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Eric laughed so hard tears were pouring down his face. "Im just joking Shannon. Colton has his eye on a different chick that he refuses to tell us about." i punched erics shoulder. "You should have seen your face! i cant believe you thought i was serious. i think theres only one other guy aside from Anthony thats really into you." eric said suddenly becoming serious. i knew he was talking about himself. so i was extremely thankful for Anthony  walking into the kitchen.

"Yo, Eric can i talk to Shy alone please." Anthony asks

"Yeah man." eric leaves without looking back at me. anthony moved to lean against the opposite counter.

"Whats up?" i asked him. he looked nervous.

"I just got off the phone with Lauren," i couldnt help my eyes rolling. they seemed to do it on their own. "Wait and hear me out Shy. She wants me to spend some time with Gabriel. So i thought you would like to join me and the baby on a nice family day out."


"well yeah. im hoping you and i can work things out so Gabriel can say he has the best step mom in the world." Anthony smirked and i couldnt help the small smile that found a place on my lips. Anthony was hoping that one day him and i would be married.

"yeah sure i'd love that. so where were you thinking of taking him?"

"i have no idea." anthony chuckled.

Anthony finally decided just to take Gabriel to a park. he sat in the swings and swung back and forth with gabriel in his arms while i swung beside him. we talked about how we planned to fix our relationship. i couldnt help but think about everything that needed to be delt with and not just in our relationship. like how i felt like i should be with Joey right now helping him get over this heartache. and what about Ellia and the baby? then theres me getting used to having Gabriel around more. the next few months would be the hardest but im sure we can get through this together. when im with anthony i feel like i can practically do anything. hes my strength. as we went to leave the park anthony stopped me and made me face him.

"I love you Shy." he whispered to me before he leaned in and kissed me. oh yeah there was no doubt in my mind that we'd be able to work through anything. hes the one for me.

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