Drama Drama Drama

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i felt like i couldnt breathe. i dont know why this was effecting me so much. i dont really have the right to get this angry as his girlfriend, we've only been together less than 24 hours. but i do, however, have all the right to be upset as his friend. he should have told us.  he turned and looked at me with his deep brown eyes full of shock. his jaw slack as he let his hand fall slowly from his face. by now Thomas, Colton, Eric, and Joey had made their way over here. Joey was going to say something but Ellia put her hand on his chest and whispered something in his ear that kept him quiet. Anthony glance between me and Lauren who had returned from getting the baby from her friend.

"she told you..." Anthony said looking at Gabriel.

"a baby Anthony....." i said lowly. if Anthony hadn't told the others it was for a reason, i wasn't about to spill his secret to everyone.

"Whats this about Anthony?" Thomas asked looking back and forth between me and him. i shook my head.

"Something Anthony and i need to handle alone. We'll talk after the party." i said and started to walk away but Anthony grabbed my arm and held me there.

"Please dont do this. Dont be angry." he said. in that moment i lost it. i guess the others will find out now.

"Dont be angry? why am i not supposed to be angry? a grilfriend that you keep hidden and then a baby too? a fucking baby Anthony! if i had a child you didnt know about you'd feel the exact same way." i could hear the soft gasps of the others.

"i wasn't ready for anyone to know. Eric and Ellia only knew because we were all roommates when Lauren got pregnant."

"i dont understand this. why do you feel like you need to hide it? we're your best friends. you should be able to tell us anything! im sure Gabriel and Lauren both would have been accepted by all of us." i heard a scoff that im guessing  came from Ellia and i looked over just in time to see Thomas smack her arm.

"Gabe is my son, mine. he is my responsibility and if you knew and we did end up together you would have been his step mother and i didnt want to put that on you. there would be too much drama involved."

"and what is this... Drama. you never asked me Anthony. you never asked anyone what they thought. being your girlfriend or even being just your best friend means that i support and love you. that i accept all that comes with you, even if its a child." i turned to leave but turned back. "Just so you know.... i would have loved to be that little boys step mother, because he is your son." i said and then walked off.

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