Bloody Knuckles

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i gasped and my jaw fell slack. Joey's face bunched in confusion.

"What? What do you mean its not my baby?" Joey asked

"Exactly what i said Joey. im so sorry..." she said as tear began to roll down her face.

"Who's baby is it?" Joey asked. Ellia put her face in her hands.

"Mine." Thomas says and the room got quiet. Joey just stared at Thomas and he stared back. they seemed too calm for the situation and right when i was about to point it out Joey swung and punched Thomas right in the face, sending him flying off the arm of the couch and crashing into the table next to the couch. the lamp hit the wall and shattered. Ellia and i both screamed from being startled by Joey's sudden swing. Eric rushed forward and pushed Joey back.

"Back off Eric." Joey said getting more angry by the second. Ellia went to help Thomas up. Eric stayed in front of Joey, incase he swung again. i didnt know what to do this was all happening way to fast. Thomas stood up and faced Joey.

"Look man, it was an accident. we were both drunk off our asses and neither of us remember what happened we just woke up together." Thomas said.

"like that makes it any better!" Joey said. "If anything that makes it worse." he said and let Eric, Colton and Anthony lead him out of the room. As Anthony left the room he glanced at me. i looked away before his eyes could meet mine. Focusing my attention on Ellia. she was wiping the blood from Thomas's lip, where Joey had split it open. She turned to me.

"Come on lets here it." she said.

"Here what?"

"i know you're dying to yell at me for cheating on him and disown me as your best friend. So lets just get it over with."

"Im not going to do that Ellia. You deserve a good telling off trust me i dont like that fact you did that to my brother. but you obviously have been beating yourself up about it. you look like shit."  and i was telling the truth. she looked miserable.

"i haven't slept in a few days because i've been playing this moment out in my head different ways. i love Joey with all my heart. i hate what i did to him and Thomas isn't proud of it either. Did he seem a little calm to you or was that just me over thingking his reaction."

"No he was strangely calm up until the point where he punched Thomas. I'm going to check on him." i said and got up. when i walked out the front door of Erics house, he, Anthony, and Colton were standing on the porch watching Joey who was kneeling in the middle of the yard. it looked like he'd thrown a complete fit because the yard was torn up. Plants that were potted had been thrown and most of them broke. the lawn chairs had been thrown and as i scanned the yard for more damage my eyes fell onto Joey's car. The back, passenger side window had been punched in. i sighed.

"Be careful walking up to him. He punched Anthony when he tried." Eric said.

"Well im his sister. i doubt he'll hit me." but honestly i wasnt sure. his heart was breaking right now, he wasnt exactly stable minded. i wouldn't be either. i slowly approached him.

"Joey?" i said lowly, letting him know it was me.  he didnt give any signs he'd heard me. when i kneeled next to him i got a good view of him. his face was buried in his hand and his knuckles were split open and gushing blood from punching the window. his entire body seemed to vibrate as it shook with rage and sadness. i'm glad the guys brought him out when they did or he probably would have had this fit in the house. "Hey..." i didn't know what else to say to him. i didnt know if there was anything else to be said. "Come on, you most likely need stitches in your hand. Come on lets go to the doctor." i said and helped him stand. he used his good hand to reach in his pocket and pull out the keys and hand them to me. Colton walked up to us.

"i'll take him. i think its better for you to be here." he said and put Joey in his car.

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