Chapter 20: Oh Bite Me Hybrid Breath

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"Eli! Come here!" I called out, as a mop of blonde hair blurred towards me.

Yes, blurred. It turns out Connors suspicions were correct.

There was a mix of supernatural in both my children. They were also growing super fast. They could both walk now and could speak basic context.

Like, you could have a conversation with them but it would probably involve dinosaurs and chocolate pudding.

They were your average toddlers, but with inhuman speed and strength.

I had discovered this the other month when I was chasing Rian to put his pants on as he seemed to think he was better off running around the quarter with just a top on.

I turned round to trap him and slip his pants on but in the blink of an eye he was across the room and running to the hallway.

Elizabeth jumped up into my arms and I grabbed onto her tightly so I wouldnt drop her.

"Have you seen daddy?" I cooed and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I dunno." She pouted "DADDY!"

I winced at how loud she had screamed and no more than two seconds later, Klaus appeared in the room. His stance was ready for an attack but when he realised it was just Elizabeth and I, he looked curious.

"Yes Eli?" He questioned.

"Mummy wants you." She smiled sweetly and wriggled in my arms which indicated she wanted to be put down. Rolling my eyes, I placed her down onto the floor and she ran off into the direction of hers and Rians room.

From what I could hear, Rian was already in there doing paintings and drawings which I know Klaus was majorly happy about.

"Yes love?"

"I got a package today," I began, walking over to the table where I had placed the brown box "And its adressed to both of us."

"So?" He laughed "It's just a package."

"No, I mean I cant open it." I groaned, I had honestly been trying all morning to open with stupid box package but it wouldnt open. I suspected that it had been spelled and that Klaus and I both had to open it at the same time.

So whatever it was, it must be important.

"It's been spelled." I explained as Klaus still looked amused but confused.

"Ok then, lets open it." Klaus declared, obviously sussing out what we had to do. The way the package had been secured was a simple piece of brown string which was tied into a bow.

I placed the box down and took one of the ends of the bow into my hand as Klaus took the other. When I had done this by myself earlier, the knot would get tighter and tighter and not undo.

With a simple pull from both of us, the bow fell apart and untied. Klaus and I both shared a glance before tearing the brown paper off the box.

Underneath the wrapping paper, there was a black box that looked like a shoe box.

"Well this is interesting." I commented under my breath.

"Wait." Klaus held my hand before I opened the box "Let me see the writing on the envelope."

I forgot there was a letter that came with the package because there wasn't anything written in the letter, just the address and our names on it.

Klaus' eyebrows furrowed as he examined the letter, his finger tracing over the writing.

"Shall we?" I asked, referring to the box as Klaus hadn't said anything for about 20 seconds.

I was kinda nervous about opening the box since neither of us knew who it was from but we weren't getting anywhere by not opening it.

The Forbes And The Mikaelson (Sequel to "The Other Forbes")Where stories live. Discover now