Part 1

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•Y/n Pov•

    it was 10pm, Colby was gone like always but this time sam and Brennen Are with him. I sat on the couch with Katrina. She was on her phone. I had my knees against my chest and my head rested on on my knees\\ Kat: You ok\\ Y/n: Yea I guess\\ Kat: What's wrong\\ Y/n: Just tired and worried about Colby\\ Kat: He's with Sam and Brennen I'm sure he's ok\\ Y/n: yea\\ I looked down ~Few mins later~ The front door opened and Sam, Colby and Brennen walked in. They were all laughing\\ Kat: Did you guys have fun\ She stood up and I stood up with her. I look at Colby and he looked at me, he didn't seem to happy when he saw me. But I just hopped it was Because he was drunk and tired. We all walk outside to the patio. I sat next to Colby and laid my head on his shoulder, he didn't seem to care about it right now. I closed my eyes and I was hoping he wouldn't tell me to move\\ Sam: What did you guys do while we were gone\\ Sam asked\\ Kat: nothing just sat around\\ Colby: Mhm\\ When he said that I opened my eyes and sat up\\ Brennen: So we should hangout tommorow\\ I never liked Brennen so I try to think of an excuse to say no\\ Y/n: I'm actually we can't\\ Brennen: I wasn't asking you\
he gave me a dirty look. I walk off and go back inside I go upstairs to Colbys room. After a few mins colby came in\\ Colby: Why did you leave\\ Y/n: Because I don't want to be around that piece of shit\\ Colby: Why are you yelling\\ Y/n: I'm not\\ Colby: Yes you are\\ Y/n: I'm not staying here tonight Expecially since your like this\\ Colby: Fine go off and see other people. I don't care\\ Y/n: I'm not seeing anyone. Your probably the one seeing other fucking girls, is that why your always gone\\ I yell. I held back tears\\ Colby: No\\ Y/n: Than why do you hate being around me. What did I do wrong\\ I yell as loud as I could. Tears started running down my face

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