Part 16

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*Traphouse* Kat: Y/n\\ Everyone looked confused\\ Sam: are you guys good now\ Colby: yea. Just friends though\\ Tara: Not after tonight\\ she whispers. Me and Y/n go upstairs. She throws herself on the bed\\ Colby: Is there anything you want me to get you\\ Y/n: water please\\ I nod and go get her some water and come back. I hand it to her\\ Y/n: Thanks\\ Colby: No problem\\ I sit next to her\\ Y/n: So how's everything been\\ Colby: Way better\\ She smiles. So do i\\ Y/n: That's good\\ Colby: How about you\\ Y/n: It's been great I guess\\ Colby: Is everything ok\\ She nods\\ Colby: You know you can talk to me right\\ Y/n: Yea •Y/n Pov• He smiles and hugs me\\ Colby: Want to watch a movie\\ I was distracted at how cute he was I didn't answer him. I jus wanted to kiss him. I want him back\\ Colby: Babe\
Y/n: Huh\\ Colby: I-i mean y/n.. want to watch a movie\\ I nod. He puts on a movie while I go to the restroom. I remove makeup. I didn't have any clothes to change into so I asked Colby\\ Y/n: Can I borrow sweat pants and a shirt please\\ I giggle. He hands me clothes. I change\\ Y/n: The shirts alittle big\\ I giggle and spin around. He laughs\\ Y/n: We should go make popcorn\\ We run downstairs to the kitchen. Everyone was asleep\\ Colby: This is where we get caught\\ We both laugh. He turns on the microwave. I look around the corner to see if anyone was there. I try not to laugh\\ Y/n: Oh look there's cake\\ I get a piece\\ Colby: Yea that was from the party we had yesterday\\ Y/n: Mhm vanilla\\ I smile. He takes a bite\\ Y/n: Uh excuse you sir\\ I giggle, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer. Which I didn't mind at all because I missed this\\

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