Part 10

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•Y/n Pov• I run downstairs because I heard Andrea yell. Colby threw her down. I push him\\ Y/n: What the hell is your problem\\ Colby: The bitch hit me\\ He tries to go after her but I held him back\\ Y/n: Colby stop\\ He pushes me\\ Andrea: Don't fucking touch her\\ Andrea Hit him\\ Colby: Your lucky your a girl\\ He points at Andrea and yells\ Andrea: But you'll hit her huh\\ He doesn't answer\\ Andrea: Yea bitch shut up\\ she walks off. Me and Colby walk out\\ Y/n: I'm breaking up with you\\ Colby: What\\ Y/n: I'm sorry but this has to end\\ Colby: Give me a chance\\ I was so mad\\ Y/n: I gave you thousands of fucking chances Colby you never do anything to make things right\\ I yell\\ Colby: So this is it\\ Y/n: Yes\\ Colby: But-\
Y/n: But nothing. When you get your life straightened out than come back to me\\ Colby: Fine. But don't worry about me or what I do\\ He yells\\ Y/n: Why are you yelling\\ I sigh\\ Colby: Because this is bullshit\\ Y/n: Bye. I'll be at the Traphouse to get my stuff later\\ Colby: Bye\\ He drives off. I go inside\\ Andrea: Is he gone\\ Y/n: yea. We uh broke up\\ Andrea: good because he toxic and doesn't deserve you\\ She puts her hands on my shoulders\\ Y/n: I told him once he got better than I'll go back to him\\ Andrea: ok\\ Y/n: can you come with me to get my stuff\\ Andrea: Of course, don't want my new roommate to get hurt\\ She hugs me •Traphouse• I go upstairs. I get my stuff Colby walks in with brooke\\ Y/n: Mhm didn't take long to find a girl to fuck huh\\ I roll my eyes\\ Colby: Just get your shit and leave\\ Y/n: Don't have to tell me twice\\ Brooke: Bye bitch\\ She giggles. I turn around

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