Part 4

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Colby: Just ignore it\\ He says as he kisses me\\ Y/n: I can't I promised I'd go over to her house\\ Colby: Fine\\ I put my shirt back on and answer the phone *Call* Andrea: I'm at the Traphouse where are you\\ Y/n: I'm on my way now\\ Andrea: are you with Colby and why are you out of breath\\ Y/n: it's nothing. I'll see you in a few minutes\\ I hangup and we go to the Traphouse •Traphouse• We go inside. Andrea was sitting on the couch with the others. She gives me "Are you serious" look when she sees Colby with me\\ Andrea: Well, ready\\ Y/n: Yea. Hold on. Kat, Sam can I talk to you\\ Sam: Yea\\ We walk to the kitchen\\ Kat: what's up\\ Y/n: Can you keep an eye on colby please\\ Sam: Sure\\ Kat: why\\ Y/n: Because I don't want him to do anything stupid while I'm gone\\ Sam: Yea\\ Y/n: Expecially if he's with Brennen\\ Kat: Of course\\ Y/n: Thanks\\ I smile and we did a group hug. I walk back to Andrea\\ Colby: When will you be back\\ Y/n: Tomorrow\\ Colby: Ok\\ He kissed me. Me and Andrea leave\\ Andrea: So what's been going on with you guys\\ Y/n: Andrea he's changed alot. He's not the same. We get into arguments alot\\ Andrea: Has he tried hurting you\\ Y/n: No. And that's what I'm kinda scared of. Expecially since he's always getting drunk\\ Andrea: I will beat his ass if he lands a hand on you\\ I laugh\\ Y/n: But I don't think he would\\ Andrea: Yea because he knows he has alot off people who will beat his ass. Sam would be very upset with him\\ Y/n: Yep\\ Andrea: The hells on your neck\\ Y/n: Uh. What\\ I look in the mirror\\ Y/n: Colby\\ I roll my eyes. Andrea laughs\
Andrea: y'all be doing things\\ Y/n: Shutup\\\ I punch her arm playfully

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