Part 23

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Y/n: Leave. Your just trying to start shit. And I'm not in the mood today. So the best thing for you to do is walk out right now\\ Brooke: Chill. I just came here to visit Colby and help him\\ I was at my breaking point. I was about to snap\\ Kat: Just go\\ Y/n: He doesn't need you. He's fine\\ Brooke: Oh please. He's just using you to call someone his girlfriend\\ Colby: Get the fuck out\\ Colby yells at her\\ Brooke: When have you both ever got along and a day without fighting. Always breaking up and coming back to each other\\ Maggie: Bitch if you don't leave\\ That was it. I punch Brooke. Colby tried to pull me away from here. I kept hitting\\ Colby: That's enough\\ He holds me back I try to get out of his grip but he held me tighter. Brooke had a bloody nose and mouth\\ Y/n: Get this hoe out of here\\ I yell\\ Y/n: I will fuck you up\\ Kat leads brooke out the house. Colby let me go, I start running to the front door after Brooke I open the door before I could run out Sam held onto me\\ Sam: You got her already\\ He laughs. I wipe the blood my my lip and knuckles\\ Colby: Come on\\ Me and colby go upstairs to his bathroom. He sits me on the counter and grabs a wet wash rag. He wiped the blood from my lips gently. I sighed\\ Colby: What's wrong\\ Y/n: Nothing\\ Colby: If it's about what she said don't listen to her\\ I nod. He kissed me, kissed back. We go back downstairs\\ Kat: You ok\\ I nod\\ Jake: You really got her\\ I laugh so does everyone else\\ Tara: I've never seen you like that\\ Y/n: I was just tired of it\\
Corey: We'll she won't be messing with you guy's again\\ We all laugh\\ Sam: How about we all go to a fancy restaurant\\

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