part 2

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   I walk out of the room and go downstairs Colby ran after me. Everyone was in the living room\\ Colby: Why are you being like this\\ Y/n: Don't talk to me\\ I walk outside to my car, Colby follows me. Sam and Kat run after us\\ Colby: Where are you going\\ Y/n: What part of don't talk to me don't you understand\\ Sam walks up beside Colby\\ Sam: Just let her calm down and you should to\\ I drive off and go to Andrea's house •Colby Pov• Y/n drove off, I was so pissed off at her Because all she does is want to start arguments. She "Tries" to help me but all she's doing is making things worse. I love her but sometimes things just go to far\\ Sam: Come back inside\\ Colby: No\\ Kat: What are going to do\\ Colby: Don't worry about it\\ I get in my car and leave. I was going to The Club. So I could take my mind off things *Club* I sit at the counter, and ordered drinks. I dranked at least Four shots already\\ ?: hey hottie\\ A girl with brown hair walks up to me. She puts her hand on my shoulder\\ ?: I'm Brooke\\ Colby: Didn't ask\\ I roll my eyes as I take another shot\\ Brooke: What are you doing here\\ Colby: Why does it matter\\  She smirks\\ Brooke: You have a girlfriend\\ Colby: Yea\\ Brooke: I don't see her\\ Colby: She's not here\\ Brooke: How come\\ Colby: What do you want\\ Brooke: You\\ She moves closer to me\\  Colby: I already said I have a girlfriend\ Brooke: She not here though so you can do whatever you want\\ I look at her up and down, she smirks\\ Colby: No thanks\\ Y/n: Colby\\ I heard a familiar voice say my name. Y/n walks up to me\
Brooke: Who's this\\ Colby: My girlfriend •Y/n Pov• Y/n: And you are\\ Brooke: Brooke\\ Y/n: Leave\\ She rolls her eyes and walks off.

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