Part 19

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A girl with black hair asks me\\ Y/n: I'm sorry. Who are you\\ Maggie: My names maggie. And I'm just wondering why your still with him after all he's done. Expecially to you\\ Y/n: Where did you get this information\\ Maggie: Oh did you not see Brennens tweet\\ Colbys eyes widen and he checks Twitter\\ Y/n: Um everything is ok now\\ Maggie: Not to be rude but how do you still trust colby. You don't know if he fully changed. Or what he does when your not around\\ I look at Colby than back at her. Maybe she's right\\ Maggie: Do you trust him or are you scared that he'll hurt you again\\ She's now got me thinking\\ Colby: Can you go away\\ Maggie: And how are you not in jail for hitting a girl\\ Colby: Fuck off\\ Bryce: Well well look who it is\\ Y/n: Both of you leave please\\ Bryce: No\\ Maggie: I'm just looking out for you babe\\ Colby: your trying to start problems\\ Maggie: Oh please. Can't you see she doesn't fully trust you Colby\\ He looks at me. I look down\\ Colby: She's fine\\ Bryce: You hit her. How is she fine with that\\ Colby: I will fuck you up if you don't walk away right now\\ Colby yells\
Y/n: Colby\\ I put my hand on his shoulder he turns around quickly. Which made me flinch hard and took my hand away quick\\ Bryce: Proved our point\\ They walk away. I walk away with them. Which I knew made Colby really mad\\ Maggie: I'm not trying to be rude in anyway. I'm just alittle worried about you\\ Y/n: Why\\ Maggie: For a few reasons\\ Y/n: Ok give me reasons\\ Maggie: After what he's done to you. All the drugs and drinking he done and just other things\\ Y/n: Yea but he said he got better\\ Maggie: That's what they all say, and it's never true. Trust me I would know and I don't want you to end up like I did\\

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