1: Karasuno High 3rd Year

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You wake up to the peaceful sound of your alarm.

"This is it, I'm finally a 3rd year."

As you hop off of your bed you shiver from the cold wood floor. You make your way to the kitchen but you are too excited to eat, instead you grab a banana. After you finished you head to the bathroom to wash your face and fix your hair all nice.

" I have NO idea what I'm going to wear today, I swear I have too many options."

After what felt like hours you finally decided on (outfit of choice).

"Perfect! Oh actually I should stop by the convenience store to pick up some meat buns for me and s/o."

As y/n steps out into the cool crisp air butterflies fill her stomach. She's been under a lot of stress with applying to schools while also managing the Karasuno volleyball team. On top of that she has no idea what her plans for the future are. On one hand she wants to continue being a volleyball manager but she also enjoys (favorite hobby). She is shaken from her thoughts when she hear the jingle of the store door.

"Hey coach Ukai!"

"Hey kid, ready for the new season?"

"You bet, with the new lineup we will make it to nationals for sure."

"That's the spirit, what did you need to buy?"

"Two meatbuns please."

"You got it, see you at practice."

"Thanks, see ya!"

Instead of heading to school you head to s/o house.

"I should probably text s/o so they know I'm on my way."

*Hey! I'm coming over to walk with you, I got your favorite meatbun.*

*no thanks*

*Oh okay, see you at school :) *


Y/n let's out a deep sigh.

"Well more meatbuns for me I guess... Actually. " She pulls out her phone to text Suga...

*Hey Suga do you wanna walk to school with me? You don't have to if you don't want to*

*Don't be silly of course I'll walk with you, meet me at the park (^_-)*

y/n now had a skip in her step, it's been a while since she's seen Suga. She was supposed to help with the training camp but she had her... accident. She zooned out until she heard her name being called.



As you ran into Suga's arms he picked you up and spun you around. It made you laugh hysterically, you didn't even realize how much you missed him.

"How are you! It been what a month? It's been too long, I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too! How was the training camp?"

"It was good but without you the guys were a bit too relaxed to say the least. But how are you feeling after... you know..."

Suga was the only one you told about your accident.

"I'm okay, we fixed up a lot of things. Meatbun?"

"Sure, thank you y/n."

"Of course."

As you approached the school you and Suga went the opposite way.

"See you at practice?"

You say with a bright smile.

"See you at practice."

He smiled back and you were once again filled with butterflies.

As you walk into your first period the bell rings. It is now your official first day of your 3rd year.

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