5: Frustration and Sadness

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*This chapter contains violence and strong language*

Suga and s/o had the same first period, so there was nothing stopping him from walking straight into the classroom. Luckily s/o was there even though the class didn't start for another half hour. 

"S/o, I need to talk to you outside for a moment. Miss, we will be back in a few minutes." Suga's voice was very calm and collected, you wouldn't have a clue what was going on. 

"The hell do you want?" S/o said. 

"Let's go outside," Suga said, not looking at the other.

As soon as the two were standing on the soccer field Suga threw a punch at him. 

"What the fuck is your deal, why did you do that to y/n?! Did you think I wouldn't find out?! 

Suga was now shouting, unable to control his anger. 

S/o Punched back, the two boys beating each other in the grass.

"What I do to her is non of your fucking business! Why do you care about that bitch anyway?"

Suga was punching him repeatedly busting a few of his fingers open in the process. 

"Don't you dare call her a bitch!" 


You shouted, limping towards him.   

"Y/n, please don't look at this right now." Suga pleaded 

"Suga you need to stop right now!" You exclaimed.

"Y/n you don't understand he-"


The pain Suga saw in Y/n's eyes was unbearable, tears were forming slightly at the corners. Suga stands there not knowing what to do, he hurt the one person he wanted to protect. 

"Y/n I-"

Suga was cut off as coach Ukai dragged Suga off of s/o.

"What the hell were you thinking, you can get suspended from doing this shit."

"Coach he is the reason for all of this, he's the one who gave y/n those wounds."

"I see, go back in the gym I need to talk to them for a second."

Suga walks back into the gym and is immediately questioned by the guys.

"That is y/n's choice to explain not mine, now please can you all just leave me alone."

Suga sits at the far end of the gym away from the team, his hands in pain and bleeding but he wanted nothing to do with them. Y/n was helping s/o up, he looked at her straight in the eyes and push her down.

"HEY!" Ukai yells and picks s/o up by his shirt, "You listen here. I don't give a damn who you think you are, but you will never fucking disrespect y/n ever again. As a matter of fact, you stay the fuck away from her, if I see or hear that you've been bothering her I will have your ass expelled. Before you go back to class clean your face, and if anyone asked you what happened you say that you feel or you don't say anything at all. Now stay the fuck away from me and my team you worthless bastard." Ukai let put him down and let go of his shirt.

"Fuck all of you," S/o said and walked away.

Ukai helped you up and walked you back to the gym, you stayed silent for the whole time.

"Where's Suga?" Ukai asked 

"He just felt, didn't say anything but he looked like he was filled with guilt or anger or both," Kageyama said. 

"Practice is over, let's clean up. Class starts in 10," You say as you start to gather up the balls.

The team looked at you with pity.

Yamaguchi stepped forward, "Y/n If you want-" but he was cut off.

"I said it's time to clean, is that understood!" You didn't want their pity, you just wanted to run away.

"Yes sir!" They replied. 

As soon as cleanup was done you went to your first period, Daichi followed close behind silent. 

"Y/n" Daichi said grabbing your arm.

 He didn't say anything as he saw the tears flowing down your face, crying silently.

"Hey, it's okay. Go head to my car, I'll let the teacher know that we are taking a mental break for the first period." 

You nod and head to the car.

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