3: The Feud

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*This contains strong language and physical abuse*

When you woke up once again Suga was nowhere to be found, instead he left you a note.

*Hey y/n I left a egg sandwich on the counter, coach Ukai said to take it easy. Go home and rest for the day, I'll see you tomorrow ^o^*

You really didn't want to miss your first volleyball practice but your head was spinning like crazy. There was 15 minutes left in the school day so you decided to text s/o to ask for a ride home.

*Hey I'm not feeling too good, do you mind giving me a ride home?*

*Fine, meet me at the gate.*

Finally, you thought, he not avoiding me for once. Your house was only a 15 minute walk but you felt so weak that you didn't think you could make it. Packing your thing you head out to the front gate and see s/o waiting for you.

"What took you so damn long" He grunted.

"Sorry, I feel super weak right now."

He turned his back to you, "Whatever just get in the car."

The drive to your house was silent...

Once you arrived you tried to say your goodbyes but s/o walked into the house with you. No one is ever home because you decided to live alone for your 3rd year. This time you wished someone was home as s/o slams the door behind you and pushes you against the wall.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why the fuck do you keep involving me in your problems?"

You where now scared by the look on s/o face.

"I-I don't know what you are talking about? Because you're my partner?"

He slapped you across the face and it stung but you didn't cry, you don't dare cry in front of him.

"BULL SHIT!" He screamed, "You have your volleyball bastards to help you. Why don't you ask that good for nothing Suga for your help? I'm sure he'd love to get down on you."

You were furious, "Don't you dare talk about Suga that way you monster!"

He punched you now sending you to the ground. Then he started beating you. He started slapping your face around 10 times before grabbing your hair and forcing you to look at him. You were too weak to fight back.

"Who's the fucking monster? You realize I can do anything to you, you dumbass bitch."

He threw you back down and started kicking you repeatedly, you still did not cry.

"Where are all your volleyball friends at now huh? No one is going to fucking help you, you worthless piece of shit!"

He kicked you once more then left slamming the door behind you. You laid on the floor in more pain then when you arrived. You started to cry, sobbing wishing someone could help you. The tears didn't stop as you rose of the floor to see the damage he had done. A tiny cut on your face from the punch. As you leaned against the countertop you felt this pain on your stomach. As you lifted up your shirt you saw several bruises from where he kicked you. The good thing was that they wouldn't be noticeable at school, that bad thing was that the pain didn't look like it would go away anytime soon. Should I call someone? You thought, No I shouldn't be a burden. You take a cold shower in hopes to relieve the pain, but the water feel like needles in your back. So instead you get out, change, and lay on you bed crying as you fall asleep for the night.

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