7: Roses

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There was silence from the silver haired boy. Panic filled every part of your body. He didn't look hurt but the was blood on his hand and the counter from when he fought. Bruises liked the side of this face, he perfect face ruined by violence. You shake him one, twice, no response. He was still breathing and had a normal heart rate so that was good, but he felt abnormally warm. A fever, you decided, so you tried to pick him up and drag him to the bathroom. Thankfully Suga's house was only one story, he too lived alone. Getting him into the tub was the real struggle, you started by putting his legs in then laid him up against the wall.

I can't take his close off without his consent. Well how else am I supposed to do this? I guess I'll just take his shirt off and leave the rest on. You thought to yourself.

You avoided eye contact with the uncouncous male, something about this felt wrong. You turn on the bath making it not too hot and not too cold, hoping the water would wake him up. You left a towel on the toilet and left him till he finished. It was unwise since he was out cold but he had to wake up at some point right? You waited outside the door for 5 minutes then decided to check on him.

You knock on the door, "Suga I'm coming in."

"Okay." Called Suga weakly.

As you enter you avoid eye contact by  looking at yourself in the mirror.

"How are you feeling, I'm sorry for taking off your shirt without your permission." You said.

"It's fine. I'm feel very lightheaded, thanks for stopping by. It's okay, you can look." Suga laughs lightly.

You take a seat on the toilet and face your best friend.

"You scared the crap out of me, what were you thinking running off like that?" You asked forcingly.

"Sorry. After everything that happened I was just so upset that I ran all the way here. I was just so tired I kinda blacked out I guess?"

Suga leaned his head back on the bathroom wall. You grabbed a small white towel and started cleaning his bloody hands, being extra gentle.

"Don't do that anymore. I'm here, you know this. So just talk to me, even if your mad. I don't want you to run away from me." Your eyes filled with sorrow seeing the pain you caused him.

Suga grabbed your hand, "I hurt you and I scared you. I lied to you and now I've made you sad. I never liked s/o, he treated you like garbage and I knew you deserved so much more. He hurt you physically and I did nothing. I tried to fix it but I hurt you more than he ever did, I shattered your heart. I showed you a side of me I never wanted you to see. Y/n I am sorry, please forgive me."

You started to cry...

"Suga it's not like that, it's my fault. I didn't want to be a burden to you and I didn't want you to worry about me. You've given me so much... And I can't even take care of Roses."

Suga whipped the tears from your face. "Roses?"

You nod your head and sniffle, "It was on Easter. You gave me my first roses ever and I couldn't take care of them. I couldn't do it and-and they died Suga! The roses...."

"Y/n, I'm not like those roses, I'll last and stay with you forever. I swear to you, I'll buy you flowers everyday just please don't cry. Promise me you'll include me in your life, tell me your problems, your dreams. I'll be here, I'll listen, and I'll help. You're not alone y/n" Suga caressed your face.

You were crying even more because you finally got what you wanted. Someone who would be there for you and listen. You take off your socks and get in the bathtub with Suga. You hug him tight and cry into his arms, your clothes slowly getting soaked.

"I'm here y/n. I'm here."

-----------------------------------------------------------Not gonna lie I made myself sad for a second.
Where does y/n and Suga's relationship stand now?
Find out next time... On Dragon Ball Z! Sorry I had tooooo.

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