6: Comfort And Reflection

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"Here, I got you a strawberry milk."

Daichi said setting into the car.


Daichi stayed quiet for a while, giving you time to breathe. The a/c was blasting cool air in your face and you were thankful for the silence.  Everything happened so fast you didn't know what to process. Suga has never lashed out like that before, he never even raised his voice. You check your phone, no new messages. You tried calling Suga with no luck. 

"Hey don't worry about Suga right now, I'm sure he's fine. Just tell me what happened." 

You took a deep breath in, talking about this was not an easy thing to do but you knew you had to tell someone. 

"S/o and I have been together since our first year. At first, it was all great but in the middle of our second year he cheated on me and we got into this huge argument in which he accused me of cheating too. He thought I had been cheating on him countless times with Suga so we fought and fought then it started getting physical. He threw things at me and threatened to hurt me if I told anyone, so I just kept it to myself. Then during summer, he started avoiding me completely, and then all this happened."

The silence dragged on for a minute or two. 

"Why didn't you tell me, us, we would have helped you. Things like this are not something you should go through alone. Why didn't you just leave him sooner?"

You laughed lightly and your eyes stung, "It's not that easy. I was so scared that if I left him he would hurt me or even worse you guys. Besides at the moment I felt so loved, I didn't want that feeling to go away." 

Daichi hugged you tightly, "You did the right thing today. You don't need to worry about us, our job as your volleyball family is to keep each other safe especially you. We all love you, Suga especially was torn apart because of how he hurt you. He never wanted to make you sad or scared, he was just so angry about what he had done and said about you. I think you should also go to his house after school, you guys need to have a talk. You'll be okay now, no one else is here to hurt you. I promise."

I tear rolled down your face and you quickly wiped it away.

"Thank you, Daichi." 

You give him a small kiss on his cheek and he rubs your head. 

"Don't get all sappy on me now. You're welcome, Y/n. Let's go back to class."

The rest of the day went by smoothly, the team stayed by your side the whole time. As you walked down the halls along side them you were stared at by the girls and it felt great. Being with the team took off a lot of stress from you. You saw s/o once but you avoided all eye contact with him. The team didn't know your story, all they know was that s/o was a jerk and they hated him. After the school day was over, Tanaka walked you to Suga's house since they lived close by.

"I was thinking about that s/o guy, he probably has a small WEENIE!"

"BWAHAHA HAHA Tanaka what the heck!"

Tanaka laughed along with you, his smile was very contagious. As you rounded the corner you see Suga's house and stopped in your tracks.

"Tanaka, what am I even supposed to say?"

"Just talk to him, it's Suga, he's your friend."

You nod thankful for his reassurance. As you headed into his house it was awfully quiet.

"Suga, are you home?"


"I'm coming in." You announced.

You headed to the living room, no Suga. You head to the kitchen finding Suga face down against his counter, his body slumped.

"Suga? SUGA!"


Oooooohh cliffhanger 🤧
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Happy reading 💞

Please (Suga x y/n)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora