chapter six

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I sit across from my grandmother, determined.

"Good grief, what now?" she asks me, clocking the expression on my face. Today she's wearing a pink sweater over a white frilly top, and jeans. Of course, with a pink flower clipping her hair in place.

"I have a few questions..." I start. "About John."

She scowls at the name, and I take it as an invitation to continue although I know very well that it is nothing of the sort. I say: "The night you were meant to meet, how do you know John wanted you to go to Legacy?"

"A letter."

"How did you know John sent it, though?"

She looks at me like I'm crazy, skin drawing. "Because it was signed by him."

"In his printing specifically?"

She pauses for a brief moment. "What I thought was his printing. What I know is."

"Right." I rack my brain. "Sorry. Can we start at the beginning? You had an argument before he allegedly sent the letter. About what?"

"Well, I thought we were gonna run away together." If she could blush, I know she would. She's shy to meet my gaze. Then she narrows bright eyes at me. But if they'd argued, why did she still think they were going to run away together? There's something that happened between the argument and the Legacy note. She snaps me out of my trance and says: "Why are you asking this all of a sudden, child?"

I pull my lip into my mouth. "He's here."

Her knitting drops. "Who?"

"John, in Jameson..." I rush to continue before the string of curses come. "And his grandson. He says John says you were the one who, like, betrayed him, and not the other way around. So we decided we'd get to the bottom of it."

Eyes narrow more. "We?"

Don't know why the blood rushed to my cheeks. "Yes, we. Elijah and I. The pronoun used to refer to a group of people."

"Without even asking me?"

I think to tell her I didn't think I'd need her permission, but I value my livelihood, so instead what pops out is a measly response that sounds more like a question: "I thought you'd be happy I wanted to defend your honour...?"

I'm surprised she only gives me a five minute lecture before directing any lick of attention she could've had on me back to her unfinished project.

I look down. I barely have any notes. I wonder if Elijah's farther along than me; if he's figured out more.

I think about leaving another note for Elijah, but then I worry that he might be annoyed with this random girl leaving him notes like we're friends or something.

Then I think about how Angie would say 'so what?'

It wouldn't hurt to leave a note for him, anyway. If he doesn't want to talk to me, he'll let me know; at least I gather he would by how he seems.

What are your parents like?

Curious about how you turned out the way you did.

Josie :~)

I am currently mom-less.

But funny, she always wondered that, too.


Oh my God, that... sucks. I'm sorry.


It's all good (is what I say to myself, but I'm really lying).

Elijah :) (smiley because I noticed your lack thereof.)

You're actually verbose today (or yesterday).

In a good mood?


I worry that he can see my measly attempt to change the subject; then I worry that I shouldn't have changed the subject at all, until I get his note.

Yeah. Made progress, so I've been on a high this week, I guess. Less quiet, my grandfather says at least.

Thank you, by the way.


Anything for a penpal ;~)

Josie :~)

So we've upgraded then? I'm now a penpal and not Son Of The Heartbreaker™?



Today, you're just Elijah.

Josie :~)

And you're Josie (who I still have not met).


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