thank u :)

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whew. WHEWWW.

can y'all believe i finished a (mediocre) book.... i can't! that is insane to me...

to be honest i love this one a lot (mostly the message) and i'm happy it's done.

i started this wanting a clear message to be put through because of something i went through. that's why i didn't put too much into the prose and mainly focused on getting that message a lot. it's a short story, and it's simple. most chapters are 400 words, and maybe in another case it would upset me, but i hope that with those words i effectively relayed my message. i know i did.

im continuing to write but i don't think i'll post all of it on wattpad and jump the gun. i just think i'll post a short story (called and yet there is you or something heeheeheeeeee) in a bit and then i'll take a break-ish//maybe. 

thank you, genuinely, if you read up until here and enjoyed it. or even if you skipped to the end, that's okay, too. thank you everyone. it means the world. 

hope you're all staying safe, too! much love.


As Told By ParamoursWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt