chapter twenty-three

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He moves his head back and forth like he's weighing options. "Again."

I strum A# this time. "How about this. So it'll be—" I strum as I sing. "If ther—" wrong key. "If the world has seven wonders—" I shake my head. "It's so corny."

"I think G♭ is the better option," he says. "But if you don't like what you're writing, you can always change it."

"Yeah, but I don't know what to change it to. It's easier said than done."

He sips his chamomile tea. "It'll come to you."

"I don't know that it will," I murmur. I know that I want to try, though. "I'm so busy."

"With the Rosemary subject?" he says, and he does that thing when he tries to act like he doesn't care when he really does; he looks out the window and tugs his ear.

"Yeah, that too" I say, not admitting that I haven't been thinking about it much at all, but about the person who comes with it.

"Are you close?" he asks.

I nod. "Yeah. There just may have been a misunderstanding."

My grandfather arches a bushy brow. "To the girl, Eli."


I shift. "Not... really?"

"Good," grandfather replies, and it's my turn to arch a brow.


As if it helps in any degree to understand what he means, he simply replies: "There's a time and season for everything."

And before I can ask, the door swings open.

● ● ●

Hey, so listen.

I'm taking Tommy out for coffee and a bookstore date this weekend... would you want to come?

Josie :~)

And third wheel? Not sure.


We can be a polyamorous couple... 

I find myself smiling as I read the text below it: 

Kidding, though. I'd like it if you came.

Josie :~)

Then I'll be there.

Elijah :) 

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