He says it not my fault

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Malika POV

When I heard she cussed him out I had to get over there right away. I was pulling up and her door was opened. I got out and saw someone laying there. I walked closer. "Amina!" I yelled." I didn't get one answer. I ran up stairs and grabbing her arm. I dragged her down stairs. She grabbed her headphones and threw her phone on the floor running to his side. "Get help Leek." She said,putting his head in her lap and rocking. I called 911. "It'll be okay,I promise. I'm here for you." She says. She kissed his forehead. "Their on the way." I say. "I'm sorry,I'm sorry." She began crying. "Calm down. Mina it'll be alright." I say and hug her. She was shaking. I watched as they pulled up. They rushed in,and got him on to the gurney. "Which one of you are going to be riding with him." They asked. "Leek bring my uggs." She says. I ran up stairs and got them.  She put them on and left. "I'll be right behind you." I say. I grabbed her house key and locked her door and made my way to the hospital.

Amina POV

Seeing him like that scares me his body was cold almost lifeless,but he was breathing. As much as I hated to do it,I contacted his baby momma and told her what happened and where we were. "What happened wht did you do to him!"She came in yelling. "Don't come in here blaming this on me! I ain't do nothing to him,it's what he did to himself!" I yell back. "She pushed me. "Is there a Ms.Salvatore in here?" The doctor asked. "That's me." I turn hoping for good news. "He's requesting to speak with you." He says. "What about me I had his daughter?!" Myesha asked. "He didn't mention you,I'll ask him though." He turned and showed me the way. "Mr.Lyons there is a Myesha requesting to see you." He says. He just nodded. I walked slowly over to his bed side. "He grabbed me and hugged me. "I'm soory I didn't tell you I just wasn't ready too. Lord knows that when those results come back first thing i'm doing is coming to you so we can open it together." He says. "Okay." I say as my tear fell on his lip,he licked it off. I couldn't help but chuckle. He kissed me. "Your mine no matter what." He says. Myesha loud mouth self came in. "Baby are you okay." She went to the opposite side. "Yeah i'm fine." He said looking into my eyes. He wipped my tears with his thumb. "Stop crying baby girl." He says. "I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to be here,you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me." I say. "Bitch I knew it was yo fault." Myesha says. "Shut tf up." I say. "If I don't?" She asked. "I will beat cho ass." I say. "Yeah right." She says I started walking towards her,De'jon pulled me into the bed with him. "Myesha give us a minute alone." He says. She walked out. "She got issues,but she damn sure ain't gone disrespect you and you don't disrespect her please." He says. "Uhh Mr.Lyons it seems you were here earlier this week for a blood test. Here are the results." His doctor says. He looked at me the at the packet. "Do the honors?" He asked. I hesitated to take it out his hand but I did. I slowly opened the packet. "It's negititve." I says softly. He kissed my cheek. "Wanna get Monkey kong in here?" I say,he nodded. I waved her in. He gave her the packet. "But that still doesn't change the fact that you cheated." I say. "Shut up already. Where's my phone." He asked. "No phone get some rest bye bye. I'll be back tomorrow." I say

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