He's a good guy

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Amina POV

I can't sit in class with this fool talkin all the time,trying to get in my pants boy move. "Shut up Ty." I say. "Gimme a kiss on the cheek then." He says. I kissed his cheek then left the class. Malika walked up and squinted her eyes at me. "What was that all about." She asked. "Look we ain't together he just gives me attention I don't need." I say. "Hm,let me find out." She says smirking. "Your quiet today." She says. "Just got a lot on my mind." I contiue walking. "Bestfriend what's wrong and don't say nothing or I'm fine or any excuse except for why your upset." She says. "Ladies room in five minutes,then i'll tell you." I walk off. Yeah I know i'm being distant but it's De'jon. I wanna be with him but then I don't,I can't get over him but I can't stand him. I stood there fixing my bun in the mirror,waiting for Malika. She walked in and stood beside me. "Cut this cheese what's wrong." She says. "One don't ever say that again ever,De'jon is what's wrong." I say. "I know what i'm about to say you might not want to hear but get over him." She says. Her words were very unwelcome but she was right. "Hm,I see you too muts are usong ths restroom." Whitney says. "Call me a mut again and i'll beat that ass whore." I say. "Oh,i'm so scared." she says. I walked out so that I didn't hit her and mess up my reputation. "Hey can you guys go in there and tell Whitney to hurry up." I didn't bother looking up,but I think he knew it was me by my tiny feet. When I finally did he was still looking down on me waiting for me to say something. I just stood there and looked at him. "I gotta get to class." I say and move around him. Malika pulled me back. "What was that,I was talking to him before I met with you. He wanted you to kiss him. I know he did cause he said he misses you go back." She says. "Malika,I'm not ready to be with him again plus he's with Whitney now that's not my cup of tea. Her no booty long tittie no nipple having ass can have him and the good sex and-" She covered my mouth. "Too much?" I asked. "Yes way too much." She says. I got to my next class and started on my work, Ty and De'jon were both in that class too which was my art class. I put my head phones in and played drunk texting by Chris brown. I just let the playlist run while I worked on my piece. A shadow flashed by me and to my left side. "Stop playing now,why you let niggas treat you like that." He asked. "Like what Tylen.?" I asked. "They don't give you the attention you need or deserve." He says,he paused for a second and slowly pushed the words out. "If you let me take you out Friday night I promise you it'll be like the time of your life I'm having a party that night I wonb't dance with no one else but you." He says. I rolled my eyes. "If I say yes will you leave me alone?" I asked him. "Yeah sure but imma bother you more at lunch." He says. "Fine leave so I can finish." I say and put y headphones back in. "He kissed my cheek. I looked up and saw De'jon watching. I couldn't help but feel bad. I finished my work and turned it in. I sat and played on my phone the rest of the time. Somebody lifted me and sat under me. I looked behind me to see De'jon. I hopped up and moved to the seat that was beside me. I put my phone down and looked at him. "Wassup?" I say. "Nothing. How you been?" He asked. "Good I guess how bout ju." I say. "I'm doing pretty good." He says. I nodded as the bell rung. I grabbed my things and went to get everything from my locker. Imma chill with them at lunch then I'm going home. I walked in and sat with Leek Ty Jamal,Nd Tamra.

-skipping to friday night-

Tylen POV

I'm on my way to pick Amina up. Imma show her a good time yeah i'm hiding something from her but in time she'll find out. She came out in some acid washed ripped jeans a,black T-shirt  a drak blue bucket hat her hair straight and gamma's. She got in and sat there. "Wassup." She says. "Nothing much got a little more setting up to do. "Alright." She says. I pulled up to my house and she looked at me then at the house. "Nice." She says. "Thanks." I say. I proped the door opened,and started moving furniture. "Can you set the drinks out?" I asked. "Sure." She says. I could hear her jumping on the counters to get alcohol. I went and watched her. "Ugh,Short girl are the worst." She says. "Nope they are the best. It's just fun to watch them struggle." I say and get the bottle of Ciroc down. She sat on the counter and foloded her arms. "It's not funny." She pouted. "That's why it's funny and cute,cause they get mad and we get to call them even more cute." Shut up." She said and rolled her eyes. "Stop don't be mad at me." I hug her. She pinched me. "Stop it." I say. "Nope." She hopped down. "Stop being so mean." I say and follow her. She turned and looked at me. "Nobody is being mean." She pointed her finger. I looked at her.  She looked out the door and then turned back. "Your guest are here." She says and moves out the way. They all came in and gave their jackets to her. She dropped them all on the ground. I laughed at it,it's cute. "What ju laughing at." She says. I turned the music on and let them have the time of their lives. Amina was sitting down on her phone. I snatched it out her hand and pulled her up. "You gotta dance with me girl." I say. "Ion want too." She says. "Imma bother you in school." I say. She started whining. "PLease stop." She says reachig for her phone. I put it in my pocket. Come on I take her hand. The Dj was doing hella good with the songs though. I grabbed her waist and she wrapped her arms around me. "There I danced can I have my phone." she says. "That won't no dance stop playing forreal." I say. "Alright alright." She chuckled. They started playing a slow song. She looked up at me. "Keep your hands where they are don't go any lower." She says. "You mean this low." I say and grab her ass. "Yes,now stop."she wrapped her arms around me again. We slow danced through the song.  "Not bad." She says. "See lil punk." I say. "Yeah,yeah, I'm going to get a drink."  She walks off. She came back with the cup in her hand.

few hours later

Amina POV 

I was so drunk I could barely stand on my own two feet. Everyone was gone. "I am going home,bye bye." I stand and make my way to the door. "No,no,no you can't leave!" He yells. "What ju mean." I say. He was holding me. "La,la la let me go now. Since I can't leave." I stumble to the couch. "Come on let's go you going to bed." he says. "I got up and stumble into the wall. "Why did I get cold all of a sudden?" I asked. "Cause yo shirt came up." He says. "It did?" I say chuckling. "Yeah come on get up." He says and helped me up. "I'm taking this off I don't want it." I say.

Tylen POV

I couldn't help but laugh. When we made it up stairs she started taking her clothes off. "Aye aye whoah what are you doing?" I asked. "Shut up i'm getting naked." She says. I ran in my room and got a shirt. "Put this on for tonight." I say and help her put it on. I led her to the guest room. After she was situated,I turned out the lights and went to take a shower. I put on sweat socks and laid down.

Amina POV

I woke and my head hurting major bad. I was confused as to where the hell I was. A soft knock came to the door. "Uh come in." I say sitting up. Ty walked in. "Don't worry we didn't fuck. Brought you this and this your gonna need it." He says. "Okay thanks but if we didn't have sex then where are my clothes." I asked. "You didn't wanna wear them so I made you wear that." He says. "Can you uhh take me home so I can shower." I say,he nodded. "I got up and got my clothes. I put them on along with my shoes. He took me home,and actually had to help me out the car. I got in and into the shower. I washed my hair and all. I got out brushed my teeth. Blow dried my hair,and put on a red polo shirt and some khaki cargo,with some mitch match hello kitty socks. I straightened my hair then parted it in the middle and put the top in a regular pony tail,I put on some red lip gloss and pulled out my fire red fives.. I went down stairs to see Ty, Mikey, Malika ,and more people.  They all looked at me. "What?" I asked. "How was the party?" Malika asked. "It was fun." I say. "Anything happen?" She whispered. "Nope." I pop the p. "I thought it did but nahh I was drunk though." I say. "So something did happen." She got mad. "Nothing happened Leek he's a good guy yeah,but we had this conversation on wensday." I say. "Get over him he's fucking Whitney!" She yells. "Yet you expect me to get drunk and fuck him yeah not happening." I say. "Yo, says the one who when she first met De'jon on the first day y'all stater messing around." She says. "Look you need to leave before I put all yo buissness on blast." I say. She rolled her eyes and walked out. "What was that all about?" Mikey asked. "She thinks that just because last night I was drunk that I fucked Ty which I didn't and I told her that all I said was he was a good guy nd we had a conversation about it the other day." I say


Malika really must want them to fuck,what do you think it was she was gone say that made her leave?? Anywho Vote Comment and enjoy

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