Keeping a secret

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Amina POV

So it turns out that I am,pregnant with his baby. I'm barely in school because of morning sickness and eveything. But today was different. Tylen came up to me at my locker. "Do you wanna tell anyone?" He asked. "I rather wait til I start showing. that way they know tht i ain't playing. Makayla only knows and you know she the closest thing to a bestfriend right now." I say. Makayla came up to me. "Hey what's up you guys how is He?" She asked rubbing my stomach. "It's a she." Ty says. "A he." I say. "She." He says. "Soo is not the baby is a He." I say. "What baby?" Malika asked. "None of your buisness,leave." Makayla says. "Your buisness is my buisness honey,how far are." She asked. "Three weeks." She says. She then walked away. "Thanks Kayla you saved my ass. If she finds out pretty sure she'll try to kill me and the baby." I say and hug her. "Your welcome and I actually am pregnant." She says. "I'm gonna be pregnant with you?" I asked. "Yep,they could be birthday twins no one know." She says. "We're going to plan everything together right." I say. "Of course you my bitch." She says. "Y'all some freaks in the sheets if both y'all pregnant." Ty said. I punched him in his arm. "You one too cause this is your baby." I point to my stomach. "I know." He grabbed me and kissed me. "I love you. I say. "I love you too." He says. "Yee,I forgot to tell you." I say. "What?" He says. "I got the job as Nathaniel's assistant." I say. "Ain't his office on like the top florr." He says. "Yes." I answer. "Alright umm,ion want you up that high cause that's a big building." He says. "I'll talk to him about my staying down at the front desk." I say. "Sounds like a plan."He kissed my cheek. "Come on don't we gotta go to the appointment?" He says. We left the school and went to my appointment. He sat there and waited with me. "Hey Tylen is that you?" Some one said. We both looked up. "Hey Tiona." He says. He got up and hugged her. I rolled my eyes and watched them talk. "I didn't know you had a daughter how old is she." She said. "Hell no,when is Dr.Samuel gonna be here?" I asked. "I'm walking in now,come on Ms.Salvatore." He says. "Thank you lord." I say and get up following him. "I gotta go,yo she crazy." Tylen said and followed after me. I sat on the table and lifted my shirt. "Dr.Samuel there a Nakia Lens here in labor." The girl interrupted. "Tiona take care of this please." He says and walked out. "I't's so nice of you to have your daughter here and sh'e pregnant." She says. I rolled my eyes again. "She's a feisty one too." She says. I looked at Ty. "So how old are you now Tylen?" She asked. "19." He says. "Really how old are you?" She says. "19." I say. "Oh so are y'all like brother and sister." She asked. "No he's my boyfriend also the father of my child." I say before he could answer. "Really,well I hope he's good to you and the baby." She smiles. "Would you like to hear the heart beat?" She asked. "Yes." I say. Tylen grabbed my hand as we listened. "My gosh. That's the heart beat?" I say. "Yes." She nodded. I wippped the tear that was falling. "It's perfectly normal for you to cry it's the hormones." She says. I she wipped the gell of my stomach and I sat up. "Lil punk." Ty says kissing me. "That's not funny." I say. He helped me down. "Did you tell your mom?" I asked. "Yeah she said she'll come down when your like half way through with your pregnancy so I would say at least four months." He says. "Alright,well now we've gotta go see my mom. You know that right." I say. He nodded. He pulled up to the trap house. We walked in. "Hey y'all." I say as we walked into the back. We sat down and waited for my mother. She walked in and saw me. I hugged her. "So we have so news not to sure how y'all would take it but it's pretty much a secret from everyone else only our parents shall know at this time." I say. "Well what is it?" They asked. "I'm with child." I say. "Huh?" My step dad says. "She's pregnant stupid." My mom says. "Yeah." I say. "Does your brother know?" She asked. "No I'm not telling him until he comes back home either." I say."Okay." She nods. "How are you gonna provide for the baby?" They ask. "Me and Tylen are gonna start putting our money together,i'm gonna use the five hundred y'all give me every week plus the money I earn at my job, I work for Nathaniel Nance." I say.  "Okay sounds like a plan,but there is one thing I need to tell you which is why We agreed to meeting with you." My mom answers. "Yes?" I ask scared to hear what it was. "Your biological father wants to meet you." She says. I looked around the room and blinked twice. "Umm we'er gonna have to figure something out tell him he can meet me tomorrow and the cafe on the corner of Thisdale at two." I shrug. "Alright." She says. "Now that we got that out...Please please please keep this a secret." I beg them. "Sure we got ju." They say


Ion know but it just seem more interresting with two people preggo at the same time. Ion know who to dedicate this chapter too. but enjoy

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