Chapter 1. A New Despair

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A girl with pale skin, short black hair and hazel eyes was standing outside and on her way to a mall. She had a green girl scout uniform and a yellow tie.

Girl: 'A few days earlier, I had signed up for a raffle in the mall. 16 out of the 500 people that signed up would be picked to win a cash prize, and I just so happened to be one of them. I'm Hayley Turner, and I'm the Ultimate Girl Scout. I was told to come to the mall at 1:00 PM to get my prize. It was a bit sketchy I'll admit but I thought that because 500 other people signed up for this, it couldn't be so turns out I was wrong, and what I had actually entered to win wasn't a cash prize but a one way ticket to the Ultimate Killing Game...'

Hayley had entered the mall and it was surprisingly empty. She walked to where she signed up for the raffle since that was where she was told to report to, but when she got there, there was nothing. The table where she had signed up was no longer there and with the entire mall being empty, she was a bit suspicious of the situation. The mall seemed too quiet and Hayley decided it would be best to leave so she turned around to head home, but when she turned around she saw what looked like a stuffed teddy bear. The right side was white and adorable while the left side was black and scary.

Bear: "hello there!"

Hayley: "whoa, did that bear just speak?! It must be an electronic bear programed to talk"

Bear: "I'm no stuffed animal or toy, I am Monokuma!"

Hayley: "huh?!"

Monokuma: "puhuhuhu! It seems you're one of the 16 kiddos chosen to play in my game!"

Hayley: "game? Wait, what's going on?"

Monokuma: "I'll explain it to you and all the other kiddos when they arrive, but for now, feel free to wait for the others to arrive! Tell ya what, I have reserved this mall for this game so help yourself to some food from the food court. Since there are no workers here either, just use the the ingredients to make yourself something!"

Hayley: "oh...ok"

Monokuma and Hayley walk over to the food court and as Hayley takes a seat, Monokuma waits for the rest of the unlucky players to arrive. As they do, Monokuma tells them the same thing he told Hayley and sends them to the food court.

Hayley: 'game? Talking teddy bear? What does this mean?'

Hayley sees a girl with long black hair, pale skin, and purple eyes walk into the food court. She was wearing a black cap backwards and had black pants and a black jacket with some purple and green on it. The jacket was unzipped revealing she had a white shirt with a yellow, purple, and green colored circle on it. She also had a pouch which was hung around her neck like a necklace. She had yellow nails and earings, but most notably, she carried a purple skateboard with green wheels and a design underneath it, with her. The girl saw Hayley and waved at her. She then put her skateboard down and skated to Hayley, stopping right in front of her.

Girl: "Yo! Whadup! I see you're also here for the cash prize or at least were. Some weird teddy bear told me I actually signed up for a game"

Hayley: "he told me that too, so I think it's safe to assume that we're all here for the same reason. Name's Hayley Turner by the way"

Girl: "I'm Layla Holt, nice to meetcha! Say, do you have some type of Ultimate? When I signed up for the raffle, I was asked about my talent. Oh, and I'm the Ultimate Skateboarder by the way"

Hayley: "oh yeah, I though that was strange as well. Anyways, I'm the Ultimate Girl Scout"

Layla: "Ultimate Girl Scout?! Wait, does that mean you have some girl scout cookies?! I'll take three boxes, maybe 4, just take my money and gimme!"

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