Chapter 6. A Way Out?

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After the class trial, Mody had been devastated to learn the truth about Shane's death. He had been so depressed that he never left the cinema. He just went into another room by himself and stayed there, not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment. Hayley and Hudsyn were standing outside of the room Mody was in.

Hudsyn: "god dammit, can't he just move on? I get that he's hurt and all, but we need all the help we can get if we're gonna get out of here"

Hayley: "just give him a moment, he was his lover after all. Besides, he'll be more helpful to all of us if he's stable than depressed, so lets give him some time"

Hudsyn: "I guess you've got a point"

Jason walks into the cinema to see Hayley and Hudsyn and walls up to them.

Hayley: "oh hey Jason, I'm sorry about what happened to you as a child"

Jason: "it's fine, how's Mody doing?"

Hudsyn: "he's still crying...I think, we didn't go inside, he doesn't want to talk to any-"

Travis suddenly bursts through the door and sees the other three.

Hudsyn: "whoa, what the heck?!"

Travis: "guys, we f*cking found something!"

Hudsyn: "what is it?"

Travis: "a f*ckin way out!"

Hayley: "for real?!"

Hudsyn: "then what are we waiting for? Lets go!"

Travis: "what about that f*cking pipsqueak?"

Jason: "if you're referring to Mody, he's still in the room"

Travis: "well then somebody better go and f*ckin get him!"

Hayley: "I don't think that's a good id-"

Travis just kicked the theatre room open and entered with the other three following behind him. Mody was in the corner, depressed, and saw the others come into the theatre room and got pissed.

Mody: "I told you I didn't want to talk to anyone!"

Travis grabbed Mody by the collar of his shirt and lifted him up in the air. Even with his feet off the floor, Mody still wasn't intimidating. He was more pissed off then he was afraid at the moment.

Travis: "now listen here ya little shit! We may have found a way to escape this hellhole so you better f*cking come with us or we'll leave your whiney dumbass here to die and rot alone. I don't give a damn if you're still mopping about Shane's death, you can do that after we're outta here, he'd want you to live, wouldn't he?!"

Travis lets go of Mody, and drops him on the floor. Mody tries to punch Travis, but Travis grabs his head, so he couldn't reach him. He then kicks Mody's stomach, causing Mody to fall in pain.

Travis: "you're f*cking pathetic man"

Travis leaves and the others follow him out. They don't say anything, and Mody stays in the room. They meet up with the others and see a ventilation shaft opening.

Kiki: "with this, one of us could get out and call for help"

Dimitri: "no one's gonna be able to fit in there tho, it's way too small"

Layla: "what about Martin? He can go in, he's small enough to fit"

Martin: "if it helps us get out of here, I'll help in any way I can"

Martin goes into the vents and looks for a way out. Everyone else splits up and looks for other possible exits.

Hayley walks around to talk to everyone to get to know them more since they might be stuck in the mall together for a while. She found Hudsyn in a Gamestop and walked over to him.

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