Chapter 7. The Third Class Trial

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In all honesty, no one was shocked that Karen had been killed. If anything, they were more shocked that it took this long for her to have been killed. She wasn't going to be missed, but they still had to figure out who killed her. As they all arrived at the class trial, they saw that a picture frame of Eclipse and Karen with a red X on it took their spots, as the rest took theirs.

Monokuma: "good news! After this trial, you will all get to eat again! Puhuhu!"

Hudsyn: "a lot of good that'll do after another one of us bites the dust"

Hayley: "lets get this class trial started. Where was everyone at the time? Hudsyn and I were at the back of the mall"

Martin: "that means there's no way either of you two could've killed Karen. Both of you have an alibi and you were on the other side of the mall. Anyways, I was in the vents again, looking for another exit"

Layla: "I was in the theatre room with Jason"

Jacklyn: "I was in the bathroom"

Kiki: "I can confirm because I also went to the bathroom. I took Travis to his bed, then used the bathroom, and then came back to take care of him, and that's when we heard Dimitri scream"

Dimitri: "I was at Gamestop before discovering the body"

Mody: "..."

Travis: "where the hell were you kid?"

Mody: "..."

Travis: "hey, answer me when I f*cking ask you a god damn question!"

Mody: "I'm sorry, is someone talking? I can't hear you"

Travis: "you f*ckin brat, we need to know where the f*ck you were so we can solve the case!"

Mody(plugs his ears with his fingers): "lalalalalala! I'm not listening! Lalalalalalala!"

Jason pulls out a pistol and aims it at Mody, who is frightened now.

Jason: "tell us where you were"

Mody: "I...I killed Karen!"

Everyone was shocked to hear Mody.

Hayley: "what?! Why?!"

Mody: "I'm sorry but can you blame me?! I just wanna see Shane again, and if that means I have to die, then so be it!" *starts to cry*

Hudsyn: "are you f*cking delusional?!"

Mody cries more.

Hayley: "so it was really you, huh?"

Layla: "to be honest, I don't like boys as pathetic like you. I have no respect for crybabies, but...thank you so much for choosing Karen!"

Martin: "I don't think we should celebrate anyone's death"

Layla: "right, sorry, I couldn't help it"

Dimitri: "then I guess that settles it, we vote Mody"

Jacklyn: "that went by faster than I thought it would"

Kiki: "we appreciate your honesty, Mody!"

Travis: "...heh, you expect me to believe that?"

Hayley: "huh?"

Travis: "I don't think this f*ckin wimp would've killed Karen. If he doesn't have the damn guts to get over the death of a loved one, he definitely doesn't have the damn balls to kill someone, even if it was someone like Karen"

Mody: "who says I don't have the balls to kill someone?! I just told you I confessed, didn't I?! So just vote me!"

Travis: "..."

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