Chapter 3. The First Class Trial

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After discovering Lillie's dead body, Monokuma had told everyone to meet him in room 16 of the cinema, where the first class trial would take place. Since someone had already died, Monokuma reluctantly helped patch Travis up in time for the first class trial. Jacklyn and Jason had supposedly tried to get into room 16, but couldn't due to the door being locked and barricaded. However, as everyone went to room 16, the doors were now wide open and as they entered, they saw what looked like a trial room and find 16 open spaces for them. One of the 16 spaces had a picture of Lillie with a red x on it. Monokuma was on a throne and was excited for the trial. They each stand in an empty space ready to find the killer of their friend.

Monokuma: "now then, let me explain the rules. You must work together to find who the killer is using clues you found, alibis, and whatever else might help you find the killer. Once you think you've reached a conclusion, pull the levers in front of you to cast your vote. If you all vote the killer, then only he or she shall receive the punishment, but...if you pick the wrong person, I'll punish everyone besides the killer, so be careful. Oh yeah, and if the killer wins, they can escape the mall. The victim for this case was poor little Lillie, may the class trial...begin!"

Travis: "alright, can someone fill me in on what the f*ck is happening?"

Martin: "Lillie was murdered..."

Travis: "what?! No way, are you f*cking serious?!"

Shane: "alright, lets discuss the evidence we have"

Hayley: "right. Hudsyn, Jacklyn, Jason, Kiki, and I were with Travis when we heard a scream coming from Hot Topic"

Hudsyn: "the scream sounded like that of a little girl, so I was immediately able to identify who just screamed...Mody"

Mody: "oh c'mon now, is that really necessary?"

Shane: "no, it's not. Can we discuss what's actually important?"

Eclipse: "Mody screaming or peeing his pants?"

Jason: "knock it off already, what did you two see exactly?"

Hayley: "we saw Mody passed out on the floor and Lillie pinned to the wall by knives in front of us"

Jacklyn: "is that all?"

Hudsyn: "there was a pentagram on the wall behind Lillie"

Dimitri: "wait, pentagrams? That means..."

Kiki: "wait. What are pentagrams?"

Travis: "you damn idiot, they're circles with a star in the middle. Only satanists f*cking make them"

Layla: "Scarlett is the Ultimate Satanist! Scarlett, did you kill Lillie?!"

Scarlett: "hahaha! Of course not, I don't have the materials to make one, on me, and I had no idea there was anything I could make a pentagram out of"

Martin: "did you two see what the pentagram was made from?"

Hudsyn: "it seemed to be red paint"

Shane: "is there even any red paint available in this mall?"

Hunter: "nope. I checked all the stores for some paint. I was gonna throw a wicked party and needed some paint to make decorations, but I couldn't find any"

Jacklyn: "that means that the only way the killer could've drawn the pentagram was if he or she had paint with them already"

Jason: "if you're not the killer, then you wouldn't mind if we searched you for paint would you?"

Scarlett: "go ahead, you can search all you want, wherever you want"

Jason reluctantly searched Scarlett for the paint, found nothing, and stopped searching her.

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