Chapter 5. The Second Class Trial

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Not long after the bodies were discovered, Monokuma announced another class trial to be held at room 16 of the cinema again. Everyone went there and Mody was crying already. The empty spots where Scarlett, Shane, and Hunter were, were now replaced with a picture frame of themselves with a red X on it.

Monokuma: "it seems we have two victims for this case, puhuhu!"

Jason: "you never said anything about us being able to kill more than one more person"

Monokuma: "you can kill up to two people!"

Travis: "f*ck you, teddy bear!"

Jacklyn: "lets go over the scene. Hunter was hanged with a fishing rod while Shane was killed by having an axe wedged into his head. I was in hot topic, where was everyone else during the time?"

Kiki: "Travis and I were in the sports room"

Karen: "what the hell were you two doing there?"

Travis: "relax, we figured since sports guys and girls get hurt a lot, we'd find some damn medical equipment there. I might be f*ckin stable right now, but my wound hasn't gotten any better"

Layla: "so you're still dying?"

Travis: "nah, I'm fine. Like I said, I'm f*cking stable for now. Don't underestimate this body tho, I've taken way worse and for longer periods of time. Trust me, this shit is nothing"

Karen: "if anyone needs medical equipment it's me! Look at what this criminal did to my hand!"

Hudsyn: "can we get on with the case already?"

Dimitri: "I was in the food court with Mody and then Hunter arrived. He said he had a letter for Mody from Shane. He wanted Mody to meet him in the bass pro shop but to make sure it wasn't a trap, Mody told Hunter to go to the bass pro shop and come back when the coast was clear. He didn't come back, so Mody went to go and check and that's when we all heard him scream"

Mody: "I can...confirm this is the truth..."

Jason: "I would rather not say where I was, but I can say that I did not kill either Shane or Hunter"

Travis: "how the hell do you expect us to believe you just like that ya little shit?!"

Jason: "I don't expect you to. If you want, you can vote me as the killer, but you'll all die if you do so"

Martin: "maybe lets not jump to conclusions so early in the class trial"

Eclipse: "well I was in cold stone creamery. That shit's good man"

Karen: "I-"

Hayley: "it doesn't matter where you were, there's no way you could've done the murder"

Everyone gasps.

Travis: "why the hell not?!"

Hayley: "because of you, you're why the hell not. You broke her hand remember? This was before the murder happened too, and since Hunter was hanged using a fishing rod which was at the top of the mountain set, the killer had to climb it"

Travis: "yeah? The hell is wrong with that?"

Hudsyn: "it means she couldn't have climbed it with a broken hand. Thanks tho, you broke her hand and helped us get closer to the killer...that's a double win in my book"

Martin: "Hayley, Layla, Hudsyn, and I were all watching a movie in the cinema together, so there's no way the killer is one of us"

Layla: "wait, so then the only people left without alibis are Jacklyn, Jason, and Eclipse"

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