Chapter 8. Traitor

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It was the day after Travis' death and everyone was still sad. They especially felt bad for Kiki who passed out after crying so much. Once everyone had woken up, they left the furniture store, but when Kiki woke up, she just stayed in bed. She was very depressed and didn't want to get up from bed and the others understood since she had just lost her lover. To make matters worse, Monokuma made Kiki dispose of Travis' corpse.

Hayley went to the cinema with Hudsyn, Layla, Martin, Jason, and Jacklyn.

Layla: "I can't believe he's gone..."

Hayley: "I know. Even though he was a bit of a jerk at first, he was really a good guy deep down"

Martin: "I feel really bad for Kiki especially. She's been in bed since yesterday and has been hugging Travis' metal bat. At least she has something to remember him by though"

Jacklyn: "I checked the food court and sure enough the food is back...he saved us"

Hudsyn: "and he did us an extra favor by killing Karen. Now not only are we safe, but she's not around to bother us anymore either"

Jason: "we can't let his sacrifice be in vain, we have to get out of here, all of us. Not just for him too, but for everyone else who died...except Karen"

Jacklyn: "before we look for another exit, we should find the traitor"

Jason: "yeah, I agree. The traitor also wants us dead, so if we all leave this place and take the traitor with us, we still won't be safe"

Hayley: "how do we find the traitor tho?"

Hudsyn: "easy, I beat the crap out of everyone until the traitor begs for me to stop"

Layla: "I got a better idea! How about I stuff your head in the fryer of the Fry It Up place?!"

Martin: "maybe lets use our words first, or better yet our heads rather than our fists"

Hayley: "yeah, we should come up with a trap to expose the traitor, but how?"

Jacklyn: "you shouldn't tell us. Keep the plan to yourself if you come up with one"

Layla: "but then how are we supposed to find the traitor-"

Jacklyn: "there's no way of knowing the traitor isn't someone in this room. Until we can confirm that, we should keep whatever information we find, to ourselves"

Hudsyn: "you've got a point"

Hayley: "well...I believe in you guys. I believe neither one of us is the traitor"

Jason: "how can you be so sure?"

Hayley: "it's just a gut feeling I guess"

Jason: "..."

Martin: "well lets keep looking for a way out"

Martin gets in the vents again and looks around. The others also look for a way out. With Layla and Jacklyn searching together, Hayley and Hudsyn searching together, and Jason going solo.

Hayley and Hudsyn resumed their search in the back of the mall. They find a Great American Cookies shop and go into the kitchen.

Hudsyn: "no way, there was a great american cookies here all along?! We gotta tell the others!"

Hayley: "maybe after we actually search the place. Besides, if these cookies have been out in the open since before we got here, I don't think it's a good idea to eat them"

Hudsyn: "good point"

They don't find anything, but just as Hayley was about to leave, Hudsyn stopped hee from doing so.

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