The Fates Still Have It in for Me

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Chapter Seventeen: The Fates Still Have It in for Me
Calypso's P.O.V.

ALL THE HEAD COUNSELORS were required to go to the Big House for some urgent meeting. Since now I was counselor for cabin Twenty Six(Atlas Cabin), I was actually invited to the meetings.

The twenty-first century had shocked me. Percy wasn't lying when he said that there weren't many gardens in New York. All this magical stuff called 'technology'. Apparently Hazel, one of the Roman demigods, felt the same way. She apparently was born seventy years ago, whilst I was born eons ago.

Ever since I arrived at camp, people have been nothing but kind to me. Some people were shocked about my heritage, but it hasn't bothered me much. But what really made me feel sad was Leo. He rescued me from my island just to go on a quest a week later?

I feel like I still bare my curse. I had fell in love with a boy he can't stay with me. As if the fates were on Olympus, looking down at me, laughing, 'You fall in love with Leo Valdez? Ha! Will we send him halfway around the world for ten months!'

When Leo first accepted the quest I was happy for him, but after a week I realized how long it would take him to come back. When we have Iris Messages, he says he can only talk for three minutes. He will barely tell me about his quest. All I know about it is that he's pretending to be a wizard in Europe? I mean, what the Hades!?

I have noticed other things over the past few months. After I left my island, I started growing taller. As if, I wasn't Immortal anymore. I quickly addressed Chiron, the leader of the camp and he had said, "You are Immortal, as long as Ogygia exists. Once you left.... It faded, gone. Therefore, you are now just a mortal. Though you are still a child of a Titan, so my theory is that you are like a demigod. Vulnerable to both monsters and mortals. I am sorry my dear."

I haven't heard from Leo for about nine days. Though, when we last spoke he said something about 'Holiday Break'. Could that possibly mean he's coming back?

I trudge my way to the Big House and sit down at the ping pong table without a second thought, not looking up. Then it occurred to me, something was wrong. Nobody was arguing like they usually were. Most of the time before a meeting, everyone was tense. But today, they were different, they were acting eager.

I look at the other counselors. I see Travis Stoll, co-head counselor for the Hermes Cabin, he's staring expectantly at the door. That's not normal for him.

"Uh, just out of curiosity, would anyone mind telling me what the Hades is going on?" I ask.

"You don't know yet?" Clarisse from the Ares Cabin asks, "I would expect you of all people to know already."

"Well?" I ask.

"Your boyfriend's coming back," Drew said as if it were obvious. Technically, it retrospect, it was obvious.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yep," Nyssa says. "Everyone comes back to Camp for winter break. Even if they are attending a school in Europe full of Hecate's spawn."

"They're not Hecate spawn," Lou countered automatically. "They're witches and wizards."

Nyssa snorts, "Isn't that the same thing?"

"No," Lou says annoyingly. "They were blessed by my mother. There's an obvious difference."

"Whatever," Nyssa says with a smile.

"Don't you mean 'witchever'?" Connor asks her.

"Travis, I swear that is the worst pun I've ever heard," Malcom says.

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