My Professor Calls My His Lord

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Chapter Seven: My Professor Calls My His Lord
Nico's P.O.V.

I LOOK UP AND SEE HUNDREDS OF OWLS come soaring in through the windows. My first thought, 'what in Hades is Athena doing?' The owls circle around and land on in front of their owners. Umbra lands right in front of me.

"Sophia!?" Annabeth whispers, "What are you doing." Sophia, huh. Annabeth's owl's name means wisdom in Latin....

Percy whispers back in reply, "Remember what Hecate said about mail?" I turn to Umbra and see that he has an envelope in his beak. I take it, and he flies away.

Inside the evolve there is a letter, and a necklace with a single bead. I read the letter first, thank the gods it was written in Greek.

Dear Nico,
I hope your quest is off to a good start. Here is the bead for the past year if you want it, since they were handed out after you left.
Good luck, Chiron.

I didn't really want the necklace, but I kept it anyways. The bead was designed to look like the Argo II, outlined with the colors orange and purple. I guess it represented the prophecy of seven.

"Yes!" Annabeth said, "Now I have ten."

"Now I have five," Percy said.

"Leo and I only have one so far," Piper says laughing.

"What are you talking 'bout, mates?" The red headed boy named Ron asked.

"Just a collectors game," Annabeth said quickly. "You try to get as many beads as you can for the necklace, so far I have ten."

"Oh," Ron said. "Those are some strange beads, what do they represent?"

"Nothing in particular." Says Percy.

"Look at today!" groaned Ron. "History of Magic, double Potions, Divination, and double Defense Against the Dark Arts... Binns, Snape, Trelawney, and that Umbridge woman all in one day!"

I almost laughed but I don't know why. It could have been because all those teachers names were funny enough. Or it could have been because, Defense Against the Dark Arts, I practically am the dark arts!

"Nico," Hermione said. "What's wrong mate? You look as if you're going to explode."

"Um- " I say, "It's nothing." Ron and Hermione look at me suspiciously while Harry just stares at his breakfast.

"But I'm serious, look what we've got today," said Ron grumpily, shoving his schedule under Harry's face. "That's the worst Monday I've ever seen."

"What do you think Defense Against the Dark Arts is going to be like this year?" Harry says coming out of his trance.

"Who knows?" Piper said, "What has it been like the last four years?" Hecate had told us about the previous teachers in that position. The first one turned out to be MoldyShorts living in the back of his head. The second was a famous snob, who tried to erase Harry's memory.... I think he would get along well with Hera. The third was a werewolf, but didn't do anything to try to harm Harry. The last one was a Thanatos Eater in disguise, who yet again, tried to kill Harry.

This wizard has as many enemies as I do, and I have a lot!

So after we ate, the five of us headed out for our classes, Piper, Leo, and I will be in the same class as each other. But Percy, and Annabeth will be in a completely different grade. This school year was going to be interesting.

* * *

The first thing I actually learned today: I hate history of magic. Why? The teacher was a ghost. That bastard cheated my father! He should be put in the fields of punishment.

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