Harry Witnesses a Snake Attack

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Chapter Fifteen: Harry Witnesses a Snake Attack
Leo's P.O.V.

I WAS HAVING A DREAM when I heard the voices. I was having a normal dream of camp. Surprisingly I haven't had any demigod dreams since I arrived at Hogwarts.

In my dream we were celebrating the war finally being over. Percy and Annabeth were at the canoe lake. Frank was practicing archery with the Apollo kids. Nico was talking to Will Solace. Hazel was happily exploring Camp Halfblood for the first time. Jason and Piper were running around camp trying to get away from the Aphrodite kids, who were currently stalking them.

Clarisse was talking to some Mars kids who had come from Camp Jupiter. The Stolls were pranking the Romans, as usual. Cabin six was making battle strategies for Capture the Flag, which was coming up on Friday. Coach Hedge was running around again saying, "This is my son Chuck Hedge! He's an awesome cupcake! Deal with it!" I still seriously can't believe Mellie let him name their kid after Chuck Norris.

It was basically a scene of a normal day in camp. Which made me grieve with homesick even more. The holidays were coming up soon and I didn't know if we were going to stay at Hogwarts, or go back to camp. I want to go back to camp. I'm missing Calypso so much. Apparently Jason and all my siblings were helping make an Atlas cabin for her. That I would like to see.

Everything was peaceful; until I heard the whispering voices.

"If we can get him to talk in his sleep, we can ask him any question."

"'Mione, do you really think that this will work?"

"Yes Ron! Now be quiet."

Are you a Death Eater?

The voice surrounded me. I could hear the sound bouncing of the hillside of Halfblood hill in my dream.

"No way. Who would want to eat Thanatos? That name is just gross!" I answered. I don't remember saying that, but I know on some level of consciousness I said it.

What is Thanatos?

"Umm... Death, duh. Everyone knows that." I tell the voice.

Er- Okay. What do you know about Percy's tattoo?

"What about it?" I reply.

Is it the Dark Mark?

"No. It's SPQR. Isn't that obvious."

When and where did he get it?

"When he was missing in San Fransisco."

Is your name really Leo Valdez? Or is that a pseudonym? Or are you using polyjuice potion to disguise yourself as Leo?

It's a trick! I know that voice... Hermione. She's trying to get information out of me!

"My name is Barack Obama. Just kidding. Come on, I'm the Leo every knows and loves.... What's polyjuice potion?"

"'Mione. Leave him alone." I heard Ron whisper.

"One more question! Now hush!"

Were you or any of your four friends ever at Hogwarts?

"Yes. I've been going to this school for five years. So have Piper and Nico. That's pretty obvious, as well."

Hermione remained quiet. Probably taking into consideration of what I said. I really cut it close when I mentioned SPQR and San Fransisco.

"Come on," She finally said. "Lets see if we can get anything out of Nico."

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