The One Thing Annabeth Said Was Not to Wander Off

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Chapter Three: The One Thing Annabeth Said Was Not to Wander Off
Leo's P.O.V.

ALL I CAN SAY IS THAT the leaky cauldron, was not what I expected. It was a dark pub with an inn connected to it. Hecate had gave us all wizard money and she personally rented a room for us.

The bartender had looked at Hecate and said, "Well-er-hello miss. I must say, that you are the most beautiful witch I've ever seen."

Hecate smiled at that and answered, "Well thank you, Tom."

"How did you-" he gazed in astonishment.

"I have my ways of knowing things," she replied with a grin.

"Well," he said, not taking his eyes off of the Goddess, "here's your room key."

Hecate showed us our rooms. Nico, Percy, and I shared a room. Then Annabeth and Piper shared one.

"Okay," she said quickly, "in your rooms will you find all your school supplies, and your pets."

"Pets?" I perked up with excitement.

"Yes, I have given all of you pet owls. They are the standard way that wizards deliver mail. They-"

"Mail?" Annabeth interrupted.

"Yes mail. And as I was saying, they will be kept in the school Owlery once you get there so you don't have to take care of them often," said Hecate before continuing. "Now this will be the last time I see you for a while. If you need any assistance just write me a letter and send it to me. Remember, to be at King's cross station on September first, no matter what.

We thanked Hecate for the help, and found our way into our rooms. I picked a bed, and immediately a huge chest, owl, and a piece of paper appeared in front of it. I picked up the paper and realized it was a note. I noticed that it was written in Greek so I was able to read it easily,

Dear Leo, this is your owl, Ignis. His name in Latin means 'fire'. The chest is full of school books and wizard clothes in your size. I hope you succeed.
Sincerely, Hecate

Percy and Nico seemed to be reading their notes too.

So I asked them, "So what is your owls' names?"

"My owl's name is Aestus, it means 'tide'," Percy said.

"I have Umbra, his name translates to 'deathly'," Nico answered.

Fire, Tide, and Deathly. What creative names for owls.

* * *

The next day, we decided to check out Diagon Alley. It was amazing! Of course Annabeth kept babbling about the architecture, but it was still very amazing. The shops were amazing. A place called Flourish and Blotts, which looked liked 'Fuolsrih nda Btsolt' to me, was some kind of weird bookstore.

Another shop was Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop, which took the demigods about two minutes to read. They had amazing pranks and joke items, I decided that it would be really dangerous to let the Stolls know about this. But that didn't mean I couldn't have my own fun(insert evil laugh). One of the most popular store fronts was Florean Fortescue Ice Cream Parlour. So all five of us decided to check it out.

They had amazing flavors! I'm afraid that during the middle of the night I'm going to come here and spend all my wizard money on all this ice cream. It took forever but I got a triple scoop of dark chocolate, with chocolate sauce, and crushed nuts. Piper got French Vanilla, Annabeth got Toffee, and Percy tried something called Moon Cream. And then there was Nico, who skipped the ice cream completely.

"I'm bored," I said, before setting down my partially eaten waffle cone. "How about we go to that joke shop!"

"Oh gods no," Annabeth said. "Leo, not to be rude or anything but-"

"You can't be trusted in a joke shop," Piper finished.

"So don't wander off, no matter what. And Percy, don't even think about setting foot in that shop."

"Huh?" Percy who was paying more to his Ice Cream to the conversation.

"Exactly," Piper smiled.

But while Piper and Annabeth were distracted, I left the Parlor and headed over to the so called 'Wizarding Joke Shop'. I immediately found the shop because of the obnoxious decorations, and went in. Inside were many wizards about my age, wearing some kind of robes while laughing. I looked around and the first thing up I saw on the shelves were, 'Dr. Filibuster's Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks'. I grabbed a few of those and a few other things and checked out.

In all cost, I paid five galleons(the gold wizard coins) and nine sickles(the little silver wizard coins). I swear, the cashier looked at me strangely when I had to ask which is which. But I don't care though. Once I had left the joke shop, I wanted to see what else there was.

I barely got to glance at a stall that 'traded Frog Cards', whatever that was before Annabeth found me and dragged me to a book store with everyone else. What fun.... Inside were wizards of all ages buying books. I noticed that there was a red headed woman that was talking very loudly so I turned and looked.

"That's right!" She said excitedly to another woman in the shop, "My little Ron is a prefect! I have decided to get him the new Cleansweep as a gift! Ron has wanted a new broomstick for so long. He really deserves it." Wait they had broomsticks? Flying broomsticks, that can really fly?

I had to check this out! I know that no one else would be interested, well maybe Annabeth but she's too caught up with buying books, so I snuck out to try to find a place where I can find a broomstick.

Then I saw it, a large group of kids dressed in robes huddled around a large display window. Being as short as I am, it took me a while to get close enough to see but I managed. In the display case was a slender broomstick with the words 'Firebolt Supreme' etched into the smooth wood.

"It's the best model out yet!" A kid said. Best model? I know I could build better. I bet I could make a wizard fortune with the 'LeoAir 600'! I've already got the perfect name for it.

My thoughts were interrupted when Annabeth found me again and dragged me away from the crowd.

"Leo?!" She exclaimed loudly(getting us some weird looks from some bystanders), "Why do you keep walking away?"

"Because," I thought and said. "Because you know that I don't like book stores(or books period) and I can wander off on my own when I want, I'm fifteen. In addition to my stupid curiosity I also have ADHD, remember? Oh wait... we all do."

She sighs and mutters, "Oh, Leo...."

* * *

A few days passed since we made our first visit to Diagon Alley. Percy had a good birthday celebration, he and Annabeth went on a London sightseeing adventure for their anniversary, and I started using Ignis to deliver letters to Calypso.

I was missing her of course. We had only been spent a few days together before we arrived at camp, but it was like something told me I had to go on this quest. It was many days which all seemed to pass in blurs until, one day it was September first. The day we left for Hogwarts.

Me: I do not own any of the characters. All characters either belong to Rick Riordan or J.K. Rowling.
Leo: Do you think all those brooms they advertise these days are stupid?
Me: What?
Leo: Well, there is a new broom. Faster and smarter than any modern broom.
Me: What are you doing, Leo?
Leo: It's called the LeoAir 600!
Me: Is this a commercial?
Leo:  Your Quidditch Team will have the fastest seeker ever. The keeper with  the most sharpest reflexes. Your beaters will knock the other team down!  And the chasers will be the fastest chasers flying!
Me: That does sound like a cool broom....
Leo: Buy the LeoAir 600 today, for only twenty-five gallons! Call now and get a free a Quidditch set.
Me: I am so lost.

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