Hecate Owns the Joint

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Chapter Two: Hecate Owns the Joint
Annabeth's P.O.V.

IT WAS HARD ENOUGH trying to get Percy to wake up. But I swear to the Gods, getting him on Festus might've been hard as having fight in the Titan war... again.

Riding on Festus for eight hours was comfortable enough, in my perspective. The five of us were all loaded on it, like we were riding a giant saddle. It didn't take me long to take pity on both Percy and Nico. For the two of them, half their time on Festus was spent hyperventilating. At least we flew over the Atlantic, Percy probably would've freaked out even more if we flew overland. But I was really sorry for Nico, he was in the air and above the sea, the two domains he was not allowed to enter.

"How much longer?" Piper asked, over the roaring of the winds that kept my ears ringing. By now I could look down and see tall buildings, most of which were obscured from view because of clouds. The mist could only take care of so much, and it wouldn't do us any good to be seen.

"Yeah!" I flinched as Nico screamed right into my ear. "How much longer?"

"Well, we're flying over London now... it's kinda hard to judge. But at the least... we'll have about five minutes," Leo answered, briefly turning back to face us.

"Why can't we land now?" Percy whined. Only my boyfriend, two times savior of Olympus, and he's still such a seaweed brain.

"Because we're not there yet!" Leo nearly yelled over the wind. Behind me, I heard a noise that I think was either thunder or Nico groaning. I must stay I would prefer the latter. Through the whole trip it had been really windy and cloudy, like Zeus was trying to misguide us. Thunder was the last thing we needed.

I decided to look down, now. London was more beautiful than I would've imagined it. In one direction was many old buildings, tourist traps and historical land marks. I think I even glanced Big Ben. Circled all around were more modern buildings; they were mostly skyscrapers. It was a shame we didn't have much time to spend in London before we were made to go to the wizard school, Hogwarts. I suppose we'd have to stay in a hotel in the meantime... but how would that work out if we didn't have any British money?

Keeping that problem in mind for when we need to cross that bridge, I focused on our current situation. "Where are we going to land?" I asked Leo, quietly hoping he wasn't going to pull some big stunt like he had the day he first attained Festus.

"I really don't know!" Leo answered, with a yell.

"What's that?" Percy asked. I turned my head at where he was pointing. He was pointing at a normal building, but on top stood a woman dressed in a cloak. It was Hecate, the goddess of magic, crossroads, and the mist.

"Leo, land on that building!" I told him, "Hecate's waiting for us!"

"Yes!" Nico yelled over the wind, "Landing would be awesome! Especially right now."

It took awhile, but Leo managed to get us on top of the building. He had to make sure not to let Festus barbecue the goddess of magic, because I'm pretty sure that would not be very appetizing for a celestial bronze dragon.

"Hello, heroes," Hecate said as we all climbed of Festus(no surprise that Nico and Percy were the first ones to jump down). Festus soon proceeded to lift off again, probably flying back to Camp Half Blood

"Lady Hecate," Piper said. I had forgotten she was there, mostly because she had been so quiet all across the Atlantic. "What brings you here?"

"Well, I am here to help you of course. You must know what you are doing on your quest, to not get your cover blown. Oh and did Chiron mention not to tell anyone who you really are? Because that is crucial information to the whole quest."

Then Percy interjected, "Wait, we can't let anyone know we're demigods?"

"Yes," Hecate continued. "First things first, you will need wands."

"Wands?" Leo said with a look of humor on his face, "Do we also get pointy wizard hats with little cartoon stars on them? Oh, and also, do we get fake beards?"

"Wizards channel their power through wands. They can casts spells with them," Hecate seemed to have ignored Leo's comments, but then five wooden sticks appeared in her hands. "These, are your wands." She said with a sly smile.

"Whoa, you're really serious about the whole magical stick thing?"

"Yes Valdez, I am. Now Nico," she says turning to him, "your wand is made of ebony, seven and a half inches long, with a dragon heartstring core." Nico examined his wand and smiled. The dark black wood really fit his personality.

"Next we have Percy's wand, cedar, nine inches long, with a unicorn hair core. I think that suits you very well," Hecate said with a grin.

"Question?" Percy asked intently, "Were any unicorns harmed, making this?" Oh seaweed brain, all he cares about are the unicorns.

"I don't think so," Hecate replied with a slight chuckle. "Piper, your wand is slightly similar to Percy's but instead of cedar, your wand is made of cherry."

"This is beautiful!" Piper exclaimed, "Thank, you."

"Leo, your wand is made of fir, eight inches, and the core is Phoenix feather."

"Cool! My wand core is from a firebird! This wand is on fire!" Gods will he never stops talking about fire? I guess that's just Leo.

"Finally, Annabeth," Hecate turns to me and holds out a thin slender wand. "Your wand is laurel, eleven inches long, and like your friend Leo here, Phoenix feather core."

"This is amazing!" I examine the wand, the light wood nearly a foot long.

"Well, we still have a lot to discuss," Hecate informed, and she told us some things about the wizarding world. The story of the man called Voldemort, who was once known as Tom Riddle. The Ministry of Magic, which seemed way too far out to be true. But I simply nodded when she told us about the current Minister, Cornelius Fudge.

She explained the basic history of Hogwarts to us. How everyone is divided into different houses and how that we will all be put in the same house as Harry and his friends to keep an eye on him. All of us would soon pretend to be members of the Gryffindor House.

We also found out that Percy and I will be in our seventh year, and how everyone else will be put in the fifth year to keep an eye on Harry. How that we will be able to cast most simple spells, and a few advanced ones. And any kind of wizard vocabulary we might need to know.

"One more thing," Hecate explains. "I will use the mist to make everyone think that you five have been going to Hogwarts, since you were eleven. They'll think they know you, that you're wizards like them."

"Kind of like when the mist made Leo and I think that we had known Jason for months, but all those were fake memories," Piper realized.

"Yes, exactly like that. But we must hope that nothing goes wrong."

"What are we going to do now?" Nico asked.

"Well, how do you feel about staying at the best wizard pub/inn in the country, The Leaky Cauldron." I glanced at Leo and Percy. They were both making the clear face that they happen to make before some stupid joke.

This time, I think I was going to skip the corny punchline. "You don't even have to say ANYTHING about that."

Me: I do not own any of the characters. All characters either belong to Rick Riordan or J.K. Rowling.
Percy: *snorts* Leaky Cauldron.
Leo: I have a Cauldron.
Percy: Is it Leaky?
Leo: Let's pray to Gods not.
Me: Before you two go too far, remember that this book has to stay within PG limits.
Leo: But the Cauldron is Leaky!
Me: -.-
Leo: Leak-Leaky Cauldron!
Annabeth: Seriously, shut up Valdez!
Me: Yes, do what Annabeth says! She has the threatening stare! Tell him Percy!
Percy: Fear my girlfriend!
Me: I've always wanted to hear you say those words....

Hey people! If you have any suggestions, please tell me. I want to make this story as good as I can make it. I'm open to criticism!

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