It Wasn't My Intention to Eavesdrop

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Chapter Twenty-Three: It Wasn't My Intention to Eavesdrop
Hermione's P.O.V.

THE SHOCK OF DUMBLEDORE leaving didn't withdraw after a few days. I knew that he would eventually return when Umbridge was out of the picture, which was going to be very soon anyway. Everyone knew that no one could withstand the DADA position for more than a year without something bad happening. Besides, with Fred and George going to the extremes with their pranking now, I wasn't sure she would last another week.

However, next week was Easter Holiday which began Friday. I thought all the fifth years were staying for it, but I thought wrong. On Wednesday night in our dormitory Piper told me that she Annabeth, Percy, Leo, and Nico were going back to America again.

"Again? What are you going to do on holiday? I mean, I'm going to spend my time studying. OWLs are so close now."

Piper took a deep breath, "Well, I'm worried that much about the OWLs anymore. Because, you know Umbridge. But the reason I'm going over there again is because I have lots of family over there. And you know, my boyfriend."

Something didn't add up there. At the beginning of the year, she said it was just a vacation. She's never mentioned family. But of course like she said, she does have a boyfriend over there.

"Oh yeah, your boyfriend. Um, what was it- Jacob?"


"So how are you two doing?"

"Er- We're still together. This may sound cheesy, but I'm hopeless in love with him." We both laugh. I don't know why, it was just funny.

All of a sudden the door to our dormitory burst open, and Annabeth came running in, "Piper!"

Annabeth had a look of worry on her face. It was obvious something was wrong, her face was pale white and you could see the distress in her eyes.

"Annabeth, what's wrong?"

"It's Percy. He's awake, but he's not going to be released from the hospital wing until Saturday."

"Saturday? But the train leaves on-"

"Friday. I know. We're not going to go back with you guys to Camp, I'm so sorry."

Camp? What did Annabeth mean by camp? I knew they were going back to America, but what 'Camp' are they talking about?

"Well what am I going to tell Chiron?" Piper asked.

"I don't know yet. But the thing is, Paul and Sally were supposed to be picking us up on Saturday after we got to Camp. I don't know what to tell them."

"Look Annabeth, stop freaking out. Everything is going to be fine. Can't you talk to Madame Pompfrey?"

"Well, can't you?" She threw back at Piper, leaving her dumbfounded.

"Too risky," Piper replied sharply.

"Excuse, me," I said. Annabeth turned towards me, and it seemed for the first time she seemed to notice I was here, "what are you talking about?"

It seemed that Annabeth was trying to think of something to say, when Piper answered, "A while ago, Madame Pompfrey stopped trusting Annabeth after... well let's not go into specifics. But if I talked to Pompfrey it would be too risky, because she would easily figure that it was Annabeth who told me to talk to her."

"Oh," I said, "I get it."

And I did get it. They still weren't telling me the truth. Because, Madame Pompfrey would never hold grudges against a student. A toad possibly, but that's completely different. It's unlike her to lose trust in a student.

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