These 'memories'

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The sound of my breathing is loud in my ears as I sit in the steaming water. No matter how cooling it may be, the twisting feeling in my gut doesn't even falter to go away.
I close my eyes to avoid getting water in my eye as it rush down my head once more.
I've never been scared of water, not once have I not been excited to jump in the pool water that was deeper then what I could stand in.
I glance up at the boy that's bathing me. He been looking over at my skin and the scars that linger it for a while know.
I do too, because I do not remember getting all of these scars.
"Is the temperature right for you Malachi?" The boy says calling me this name that isn't mine.
"Yeah" my head goes down into the water that know as deep as the ocean to me. I don't even make a move to struggle as the hand on my back holds me down and pushes me futher.
I'll never forgive him, I wish I never could but I love them to much to be so mad.

(Izaaks pov)
The wind blows as they disappear away from my view, Sai is standing beside me, weapon still drawn in hand tightly even tho they're is no enemy in sight.

"S-sasuke...." someone mumbles out.

Sasuke hadn't gotten far in ripping my mask, Sai was there before I could exhale a breath, I'll thank him for it later.
Everyone seemed frozen. Like time had stopped and they did too.
They're breathing weren't even to ear.
And speaking of ear that voice had gone silent
The sky was dark with bright stars so bright it was really the only light we had

my eyes trailed over to the fire that beats warmly on my face. I watch as it falters from wind. Everyone had been fast alseep but I'm smarter then that to know they'll wake up from the slightest move.

Attempting the tight feeling in my belly I had to get some release. Leaning up slowly and walking away from the slumbering-slowly-so I wouldn't wake anyone.

I sigh at the lost feeling from my lower, it's kinda idiotic to hold it for so long but then again it's me.
I'd hold my piss for hours when I was kid until I found that was bad for you.

I would've missed it if I hadn't turn just a bit to catch a blueish gleam.
Im not scared of water, never have been, so what's wrong know?.
This clearing seems familiar. The trees, grass, and the water.
Walking over to the flowing blueish river with rocks at the bottom and pretty fish swimming.
It was beautiful. My mother would've loved this.

I look at myself and even I looked a little blue.
Lowering my hand in the water to feel the fish pass by and the water rush past.
Looking back at myself oddly, something was off.
Not like something being off or wrong wasn't normal by now so I ignore it.

I feel something grab my hand but I'm assuming it's just the flow of the water before I'm forced under head first and eyes like my reflection are gazing at me.
I scream, but only I can't.

(?? POV)
I run, I'm running again.
'Crazy bastards running me out again over an apple'
"Ǥ ᗷᗩᑕ ᕼᗴᖇᗴ" voices behind me shout weirdly, loud and faint.
I press my hand over the side of my head to try an stop the flowing blood dripping down my face and onto my clothes.

'Fuck my shirt and I JUST got this..or stole'
Eh not like those hooligans need it they hog everything a shirt and an apple is not gonna kill anyone.

I look behind me to see no one chasing me or any voices shouting anymore, but I still run a little longer.
I lean down because of my burning chest and heaving and need for water. Maybe I should've stole some water too.
Looking around-trees,tress,tress-𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫.
Scurrying over and rushing to fill my hands with water and Gulping gulping impatiently causes me to choke.
I beat my chest and calm my breathing before back up again.

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