New Litterly

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I had died

I had left everyone I loved without a warning sign.

Well I couldn't even if u wanted to anyway

I was basically murdered by the racist White guy..I bet he's having a Fun as hell celebration right as we speak with his parents.

Since I died I had been in this dark place for about Five minutes it's really boring in here to be honest. After I had lost my cousinconess I had been stuck In here. Anit I supposed to be in heaven or hell I dont know.

I walked around the dark place trying to find something but it was nothing just darkness and empty.

I jerked

There was something.Wet

I didn't think I could feel anything anymore but I remembered that wet feeling from all those times water had touched my skin if it was either raining or me taking a shower.

Maybe I was hallucinating.Maybe there isn't any water here.

Hell I didn't even know if I had a body to be honest

Nah not this time

I could feel the wetness
Wait.My eyes.

'I had eyes'

I looked around and suddenly.I had a body.

'But I thought I no longer had a body'

The wetness was water.I was standing in water as it rised.


Water was floating around my neck coming upwards towards my mouth and nostrils covering them.

My eyelids once again lowered back down

I was exspecting to drown you know that stinging feeling that's extremely painful yeah that. But it never came

I was just floating in water

I blinked

My nostrils Burned

'Oh there that burning sensation'
My eye open up and I Already I was in water

I swam up to the surface as quickly as I could tho my body did feel a bit weak.


My lungs inhaled the icy cold air so much that it hurt but I needed it

I took a moment to view my surroundings before swimming to shore

I collapsed on the sand and mixture of grass

Why was I so tired I guess I did almost lowkey kinda drown

I kinda just layed there I was so exhausted but while I did I just looked up at the blue sky

Someone told me the ocean was blue cuz of the sky's reflection

I gathered enough strength to sit up and look around seeing a whole lotta trees around.

' Wasn't I suppose to be dead what happened' I looked around only to find a bunch of trees.

I'm confusedWhat happened where am I

I'm confused, Tired and Frustrated

I got up and stumbled over to a tree that had a bunch of trees and a but of sun


I'm wet so I'm kinda cold

I rested my back against the tree and began to lose my eyes

'Sone rest wouldn't hurt anybody'

My eyes starting shutting out the bright light of the sun and not with the darkness of my eyelids

(Scene change)

" Do you think he's an enemy"

"I don't know should we wake him up"

"What no he might be an enemy"

Voices. I heard voices talking around me they were like talkin like me and my sista when we argue

They were kinda annoying

I let out a groan I could hear them let out startled notices

My eyes open up to see three kids surrounding me with a ...knife I think out in their hands

"Who are you" the kid with a blue scarf around his neck brownish hair flick up in an unusual way and a bright headband with a leaf imprinted in it

"Huh" I let out a confused sound before realizing that they those knify were staring to get closer to me

"H-hey what with the knifes" I really didn't want to die and through that whole process again

A look of confusion showed on the their faces from the way there eyebrows scrunched up and they glanced toward each other

They moved closer towards me and I back up farther. What they got against me honestly...

"Alright calm down he seems frighten enough and confused and he doesn't seemed to be an enemy" said a voice said an unknown language but at the same time I could understand.

Somewhere I the back of my head these words Were quiet familiar and I could understand a few words, or sentences of what they were saying.

"But sensai what if he an enemy"
The girls words were suddenly coming to me

"And what if he's not" That's must be there teacher person huh
"But if he is we should kill him"
She sighed and lowers her kunia

But I wasn't gonna stay put and wait for them to kill me so I did the most idiotic things at the time

I ran. My legs moved in the basic formations that help me move faster


Bad idea because I didn't know how fast the monster kids things were

It might seem weird and mean to call them monsters but no child would be eager to kill a man the hasn't done anything is NOT normal.

'Wait hold on I got killed by another kid so maybe I'm being harsh'

I felt a pain enter my back causing me to let out a short scream and collapsed my body still kinda exhausted from earlier.

I reached where the pain was from and felt metal

"See I told you he ran away "

I heard there feet come closer to me as I starting blacking out

' What is it with me and passing out '
My last thoughts before being met with darkness

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