🌻Chapter 1🌻

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At the age of seventeen, Gulf was already married and has been so for a year. Of course, no one knew, and of anyone put aside his close family and friends found out, they probably wouldn't even believe it-- especially if they knew whom he was married to.

How did it happen anyway?

Two years ago, Gulf's mother and her best friend met a car accident that took their lives. Upon their death, their husbands took it upon themselves to make their lifelong plan come true: to arrange the marriage of their children to each other.

And so it goes that at sixteen and seventeen, Gulf Kanawut and Mew Suppasit Jongcheveevat were whisked off by their fathers to New Hampshire, where they could be legally married at such young ages. They didn't exactly know what the hurry was, but they just couldn't say no. It was all out of respect for their dead mothers, they both thought. But now, after a year of being married, it's all suddenly creeping up on Gulf just how unusual their secretly marriage was.

And so it goes that Gulf was legally registered as Gulf Kanawut Jongcheveevat. Yes, Jongcheveevat, as in Mew Suppasit Jongcheveevat. That famous actor whose face could be seen everywhere.

He was so famous the slightest move he made could create Twitter trends worldwide.

Every morning, Gulf would get two knocks on his bedroom door. Both knocks were Mew's who occupied the room across from his. These knocks were quick raps on the door, accompanied by his voice just saying his name. He looked forward to these knocks because they were only seemblance that Mew actually cared for him- enough for him to care about he was actually awake to get to school on time.

"Gulf!" Mew said through the door. "I'm leaving for school."

Mew always went to school a few minutes earlier than he did. They couldn't be seen going to school together because no one was supposed to know that he was in relationship, let alone married.

To spite his  husband, Gulf opened the door, which startled him. Mew was never seen the inside of his room because even though they were married, they weren't allowed by their parents to enter each other's rooms because of- you know- hormones.

No trouble with that, Gulf thought as he took in Mew's frown. "Fine."

Mew turned to leave.

Just as Gulf was about to close the door, he came back and stopped it with his hand. Gulf couldn't help but feel like this could lead to something else, but then he ruined all illusions on his side and said, "Also,don't talk to me in school, okay?"

"What?" Gulf asked in disbelief.

"Just text me or something if you have anything you need to say." He added.
"Fine,fine. Whatever."


"Whatever you say,sir." Gulf said before slamming the door in his face.

It's not like he needed reminding. Part of Mew's celebrity status required him to hide this particular facet of his personal life just because many or make that all of his fans were girls. Just one careless rumor could end his career.

Not that Gulf cared, really. Gulf never even wanted to be married to him in the first place. It's just that it's so hard keeping a secret. Every movement he made served one purpose: never to reveal their secret marital status.


After a few more minutes, Gulf walked his way to the international school just a few minutes away from their house. There, he met Mild his best friend and one of the few people outside his family who knew about his arranged marriage. Mild was waving frantically at him as he entered the hallways with a frown.

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