🌞 Chapter 9 🌞

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"What are you doing?"

Mew's father and Anada stood on the doorway, their eyes wide in shock. Gulf and Mew were shocked too and embarrassed. They had gotten carried away, and it wasn't like they did this on regular basis.


Mew and Gulf couldn't look at each other. Gulf started straightening his clothes and Mew got up.

"We were just going downstairs."

"What were you shouting about?"

"Nothing,Dad. Just, please we'll follow you downstairs."

Mew's father looked just as embarrassed as the two of them, if not more. He took one last look at Gulf and guided the shocked Anada out of the room and downstairs.

Mew looked at Gulf and took a deep breath . Gulf was still too embarrassed to meet his eyes.


They spoke at the same time and stopped at the same time as well.

"Do you want to-"

"Uh,no, no thanks."


Gulf was afraid that he was going to ask him to do a kiss so he got up. Then he remembred his other overdue project for his electronics elective. "Um, I'll just... go now. I have to go check on my project."

Mew nodded. "Okay, okay." He watch Gulf leave the room and spoke no more.


At the dinner table a few minutes later, the two sat down, not speaking to each other and not meeting the elder's eyes.

"Uh, Gulf?" Mew's father said, clearing his throat.


"Your father called earlier. He said he coming home earlier than expected for your birthday."

"Really?" Gulf's father work in Italy, and so he rarely went home. But this party was a big deal for him, since his late mother loved parties like this.

"Yes, and he said that he's already hired the people  who will coordinate the things to your birthday... And um, Mew..."


"Since Gulf eighteen's birthday, maybe we should talk about how you're going to announce at the party, your-"

"That's the guy, I'm courting "

Gulf look at him in disbelief. Earlier, he was asking him if he wanted to get married again, but now he couldn't even announce that they married?

"What? No, no, son. Didn't we talk about this before?"

"Dad, look. Wouldn't it be weird for people to knows that I'm married? I mean, they will be shock to find out. It will be better if we just take things slow."

Gulf felt giddy all of a sudden. If Mew revealed that he was still courting Gulf, then he had to show that he's courting him, something Gulf never experienced before. He couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, whatever you say. Just.. talk things over with Gulf.band your manager." Mew's father made a show of yawning. "Well, I better go to sleep. I'm sleeping over, hope that's okay with you guys." He got up and went to the guest room.

Gulf knew that he was sleeping over because he didn't want to repeat of what he'd witnessed earlier in Mew's bedroom. Gulf got up soon after and went to her room to work on her project.


Gulf's been working on his project for five hours and still no progress. He already felt like crying as he fumbled with the wires. He look at his notes yet again. He had to finish this project because he'll be busy for the next few days before the birthday party. He considered asking for Mew's help again, but when he look at the clock, he saw the time it's one the morning. Just seeing the time made him feel so tired. He decided to take a short break and get a bottle of water from the kitchen. Before leaving the room, he charged up his project.

When he got up, drinking water, he bumped into Mew and spilked some on him.

"Oh, sorry, Mew."

Mew sighed and took off his shirt in front of him. Gulf didn't know where to look.

"Oh, you should practice kissing with that bottle."

Gulf looked at him, horrified and embarrassed. "What?"

Mew laughed and shook his head. Suddenly, something exploded in Gulf's room.

"Oh no!" Gulf run into his room, with Mew right behind him.

"What the hell happened here, Gulf?" They inspected the floor and Gulf's side of the bed. Mew took his shirt and put out the tiny flame with it.

Gulf scratched his head and felt like crying. "Oh, no, what a I going ro do? Where I am going to sleep?" The side of his bed was badly charred, and the room had very bad burnt smell.

"You can sleep in my room."

"What? I'll just sleep in the guest room, whatever."

"Dad's there."

Gulf felt so sleepy so he had no choice. He followed Mew to his bedroom and settled on the other side of the bed.. far, far away from Mew.

Mew was well aware of Gulf trying very hard to distance himself from him on the bed. He didn't turn to face him as he spoke.


No answer


"Huh?" Gulf's voice was half-asleep

"I can't talk to you in public, you know that right?"

"Whatever, Mew."

"Also, can you not hang out with that Kao, anymore?"

"Why,you jealous?"

"Of course not!"

"Well, whatever."

"Just, don't rush into things. Wait for me, okay?"

It took a long time for Mew to realize that he was already talking to a sleeping, Gulf. He had to prod him several times before he realized it. His last prod was so forceful that he almost pushed him toward the edge of the bed, so he had rush and grabbed him in his arms so he wouldn't fall off.

Still, Gulf didn't wake up. He even started snoring, making Mew laugh. Are you really asleep? He thought ss he watched him sleeping face. Then, as if to test it out, he lean his face closer to Gulf. And then kissed him.

Still, no reaction from Gulf. He then lay there, looking at Gulf peaceful face.  Then he caught himself. Why was he staring at him? He moved to the other side of the bed, trying to ignore the fact that there was a guy on his bed.

Of course, the  guy also happened to be his wife.

The next morning, with Mew's internal body dock getting the best of him, he woke up just a few minutes earlier than his alarm clock and found Gulf still sound asleep.


He still wouldn't budge.


He prodded him just as he turned on his back, so he almost went to the edge of the bed again. Good thing, Mew had a good reflexes and caught him in time. But oddly enough, he still asleep just like last night. He couldn't help himself as he looked at Gulf face. He just had to kiss him.

Just as he deepened his kiss, his door burst open.

Again? He thought as he let go of Gulf.

"What's... going... on?" Gulf asked in his half-awake voice.



As I promised. Here's the chapter 9..

Thank you for reading my story. I hope you like this even though it's not complete yet.

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