🌞 Chapter 21 🌻

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Mew opened Gulf's bedroom door and found it as it was before. He opened Gulf closet and found that it was missing a few pieces of clothing. He rushed out and found Anada in the kitchen. The woman was crying.

"Anada, where's Gulf?"

"He left, Mew. He took the old car."

"What? But he's scared of driving."

"I know." The old woman was still sobbing, but she was able to prepare a sandwhich for Mew anyway.

"Did he say where he's going?"

"No, he just said goodbye. He left early in the morning. He woke me up, asking where the keys were."

"Why didn't you ask him where he was going?"

"I ask him, Mew, but he wouldn't say. He was crying so hard."

Now where was Gulf going to go? He decided to skip class and go find him before it was too late.

Mew was still angry over what he'd seen, but if the kiss were true, then perhaps the first person Gulf would think f rushing to would be Kao. He dialed his number and got an answer on the fourth ring.

"Hey,dud... I heard what happened... It's not Kana's-"

"Shut up, okay? I don't need your apology. Just tell Gulf to come home."


"You heard me. If Gulf's with you, you better take him home."

"He's not here man..."

Mew dropped the call and then went straight to Mild's house. He found the old car parked on the sidewalk near it. He breathed a heavy sigh of relief as he got out the car.

"Mild!" He called out.

Mild looked out from his bedroom window but closed the curtains when he saw him there. Mew was afraid that he was indeed hiding Gulf, so he started calling Mild phone instead. Mild would not pick up because he was already at the main door.

"Mild! Where's Gulf? Please tell him to come out."

Mild looked at him like he was crazy. "Gulf's not here."

"But..." He pointed to the car parked on the sidewalk.

"Oh." Mild was surprised to find the car there. "You don't know where Gulf is?"

"I don't. Anada said he left early."

Mild scratched his head and started dialing on his phone.  "Not in service. Oh my god, Mew. Where's Gulf?" He was starting to panic already. He dialed Gulf's number again but got the same result.

"Hey now. Don't cry. Okay? We'll find him."


Gulf called his Aunt Nam, his mother's elder sister, as soon as he got on the bus.

"Yes, auntie. I'm going there."

"Is Mew coming with you?"

Tears started falling when he heard Mew's name.

"No, I'm going there alone."


Tbc...sorry or the short update..

Chapter 22... Is going to be hot...and long chapter...

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