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        Harry was more confused then he'd ever been in his entire life. He pushed shut the drawer with a fresh pair of joggers in his hand and the bitter taste of Zayn's come still on his tongue. He always told himself he wanted to leave, but maybe he did just because it was common sense; if you're kidnapped then you were taken from your home forcefully meaning that you should want to get back. But, he didn't.

        Ms. Violet's words were so truthful about how Zayn took him from a broken home. He did save him. But, where was his life going from here? Will be become Zayn's lover? He was sixteen for Chirst's sake. He didn't know the first thing about being someone's lover (apart from how to give a decent blow job). .

        Harry sighed walking out of the open door and into the kitchen where Zayn was pouring each of them a cup of tea. Harry approached him and stuck out his arm. "Here," Harry said in a hoarse voice.

        "Thanks," Zayn said giving him a lop sided smirk. He pushed the cup of tea towards Harry who took it thankfully. Zayn watched as the younger boy brought the cup to his mouth. Zayn watched his pink lips wrap around the rim of the cup reminding him of  a few moments open when Harry's lips were wrapped around something else.

        Zayn shamelessly then pulled off his towel and slipped on the joggers. Harry tried to keep his stare away from Zayn's nether region feeling flushed.

        Silence settled in as they both sipped on their tea. It was slightly awkward, but not too bad. That's when Zayn randomly left the room without saying a word and came back not thirty seconds later with a lit joint in between his lips. Harry just watched him take a hit before Zayn teasingly blew the smoke in Harry's direction. "You ever smoked?" Zayn asked taking another hit only feeling a small buzz.

        Harry shook his head, "No, never."

        Zayn hummed and motioned for Harry to come closer which is exactly what he did. "Try," Zayn said. Harry opened his mouth and Zayn put the joint in between Harry's lips. Harry closed his mouth and sucked in the smoke before quickly pulling back coughing harshly. Zayn let out an amused scoff, "Rookies." Then he took another hit.

        Harry stopped coughing and felt an odd feeling coarse through his body. It was as if he'd just gotten lighter. He couldn't get a thought in his mind to process correctly accept the one that said, "I want to try again."

        Zayn chuckled and passed the joint to Harry who took a long hit only coughing a little.


        Not long before they were both piled up on the couch; baked. Zayn, of course, was more put together Harry. Zayn put the finished roll in one of the ash trays on the side table on the edge of the couch before lighting another one. Harry crawled from his end of the couch and into Zayn's lap. Harry straddled Zayn's hips and buried his face in Zayn's neck asking if he could have some more, too.

        Zayn laughed and Harry pulled away from his neck so he could look at Zayn's face. Zayn looked the younger boy straight in the eye as he enhaled the smoke. Then he pulled the joint away from his mouth and pulled Harry in for a kiss the smoke moving between both of them. Harry pulled back breathless with grin. Both of them had blood shot eyes and stupid grins; like kids in a candy store.

        "I should've tried this stuff sooner," Harry giggled wrapping his arms around Zayn's neck pressing another kiss to his lips. "Works better than crying. No wonder my dad used this and alcohol to cope after Mummy died."

        Zayn felt a little more sober than before but still baked. "What do you mean, doll?"

        "When Mummy died I was really sad and so was Dad. I didn't have any friends to help me through it so I stayed in my room and cried a lot. Dad stopped talking to me for a while probably because I look like Mummy. He started getting drunk a lot and taking drugs. I guess he started taking your drugs, and I had to suck it up and help him. They were going to take away the house and me, but I got a job and kept Dad out of as much trouble as I possibly could. But, I guess I didn't help as much as I thought I did," Harry said sounding like a sad child which was, actually, exactly what he was. Zayn just looked at Harry before pulling him into a hug.

        "I'll take care of you, Harry," Zayn whispered into Harry's ear the drugs keeping him from filtering his words.

        "Promise?" Harry asked.

        "Promise," Zayn said pulling Harry closer.


        The drugs completely knocked Harry out. He slept the whole day and he slept most of the night. When he woke up in his own bed it was 3am and he felt alone and cold. He remembered what he told Zayn and he felt vulnerable for opening up that much. He found himself crawling out of bed and knocking on Zayn's bedroom door. He knocked loudly making sure he woke the sleeping bear. Zayn flung open the door looking tired and irritated. "Jesus Christ, Harry, it's three in the bloody morning," Zayn said in a much deeper thicker accent then normal.

        "I'm sorry, I woke up and I-.." He stopped himself when he heard Zayn sigh.

        "Do you want to sleep in here?" Zayn asked. Harrry nodded and Zayn stepped back so Harry could walk in before shutting the door behind him. Harry looked around the moon-lit room remembering what happened last time he was in here. A shiver shot down his spine at the thought.He crawled under the warm covers of the bed and Zayn didn't hesitate to pull Harry close. Zayn laid on his back while Harry laid on his chest listening to Zayn's soft heart beat.

        It didn't take long for Zayn to pass out again, but Harry was still awake and only drowsy. He was trying to savor the feeling of Zayn's warm, bare skin against his own because he knew when he woke up to a completely sober Zayn things wouldn't be as easy.


Overdue. I know. but I was having some computer problems. Yeah, I'm a bit of a dumb ass because I accidentally downloaded a virus onto my laptop while trying to download Dirty Dancing so yeah.

I'm going to start updating much quicker because this story is over half way finished and I already know what I'm going to do with the next few chapters!

Love you guyzzzz

Tori xx

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