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Harry was pissed.


Harry was beyond pissed.

A day had passed and it was about the time Zayn got home (if he actually went out in the first place that is). Harry was doodling with the things he found in the desk. He couldn't find much to do in this one room. He'd already tried to go back to sleep, but that didn't work. Then he tried showering, but that only lasted fifteen minutes and he was bored again. Lastly, he tried spinning in the chair, but he ended up with a headache.

Harry blew the eraser shavings off the childish picture he drew on the once clean piece of paper. It was Zayn being eaten by a shark. Of course, it looked like it had been drawn by a four year old rather than a sixteen year old. Zayn was a stick figure while the shark looked like a deformed whale with sharp teeth.

Then someone barged into Harry's room without warning. Harry jumped seeing a fuming Zayn. Harry wasn't surprised and just went back to admiring his little drawing. "Get on the bed," Zayn growled warningly.

"Why?" Harry replied smartly.

"I've had a bad day and need something to distract me," the elder spat.

  "Then go find your distraction elsewhere," Harry rolled his eyes. He was sick of Zayn's shit and was going to stand up for himself this time.

"Excuse me?" Zayn said through gritted teeth clenching his fists at his sides.

"I'm not your sex toy," Harry snapped trying to old back the fear he had in him when Zayn stalked closer and picked him up like he weighed nothing more than a feather. Zayn threw Harry onto the bed and crawled on top of the teenager making sure he was holding Harry's hands above his head.

"You are what I say you are!" Zayn's grip on Harry's wrists tightened abow the boy's head. "Let me go, you heartless prick!"

"Not until you give me what I want."

Then Harry did it. He kneed Zayn in the crotch and hurried out from under him. Zayn hissed holding himself. Harry made a break for the door hearing a loud "I'm going to kill you!" behind him. Harry knew Zayn was capable of doing that exact thing so he tried to find a place to hide. He looked around paniced when his eyes fell on Zayn's door. He remembered what happened the last time he went in there. But, what did he have to lose?

He ran through the surprisingly unlocked door shutting it silently behind him so Zayn couldn't hear (hopefully). Then he got into Zayn's closet and silently slid down the wall trying to control his breathing. He felt like a little kid playing hide-and-seek. Only, if you were found in the kid game then you'd just have to be the seeker next round, but in this 'game' if you're found then you die.

Harry would estimate that an hour went by (really, it was only twenty minutes). Then he heard Zayn's door open. But, not in a threatening way. It was soft-like. "Harry?" Zayn said now in a calm voice. It scared Harry even more. "Harry, come out." Zayn's tone was so pleading. No doubt Zayn knew where Harry was; he just didn't want to startle the boy. "I won't hurt you, I promise.

 Liar, Harry thought. Then, not even a split second later, the closet door opened slowly and Harry whimpered ready to have a hit to his face.

But it never came.

He looked up and saw Zayn looked down at the scared boy calmly. Harry checked for any trace of anger, but there wasn't any. Zayn extended his hand, and Harry grabbed it hesitantly. Zayn help him out of the closet. "Are you going to hurt me?" Harry asked avoiding eye contact.

"No," Zayn replied straight forwardly. He let go of Harry and sat of his own bed scooting up to the headboard. Then Zayn looked at Harry motioning for him to take the spot next to him. Harry did and Zayn wrapped and arm around the teenager pulling him to his chest as he ran his fingers through Harry's hair. "I saw your drawing." Harry tensed but soon relaxed when Zayn continued. "I know your angry with me and you have every right to be. I treat you like shit all the time."

"I'm your hostage. You're aloud to."

Zayn pulled back and took Harry's face in his hands. "Don't you ever ever  think that it's okay for me to treat you this badly. Because it's not. And, I don't see you as a hostage."

"But, you still keep me here."

"Because everyone is still looking for you and if they found you they would put you in some shitty foster home and I don't want that for you." Zayn sighed pushing Harry's curls from his forehead, "Do you want to go? Because if you do I'll take you back to your old home where they'll find you. You can go."

Zayn winced as if he was expecting a hit. But Harry stayed put watching him. "Why aren't you trying to get away?" Zayn asked confused.

Harry leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss against Zayn's lips with a small smile, "Because I like you."

Zayn couldn't help but smirk. "Is that so?"

Harry hummed kissing the elder once more, "A lot actually." He moved to straddle Zayn's waist still kissing him. "I can show you if you'd like."

Zayn stopped Harry when he tried to pull his shirt off, "No." Harry pulled back feeling rejected. "No, no, doll, it's not that I don't want you. Hell, I want nothing more than to fuck you till you pass out right now, but I want to take you somewhere."

"Take me somewhere? I thought you said I couldn't be seen in public because someone might try and take me away?"

Zayn bit his lip, "Then I guess we'll have to be sneaky."


Well, that chapter was short and went from fighting to fluff real quick. Sorry for the shortness guys. I could've added the next scene but that would mean that this book is short one chapter because THIS BOOK HAS ONE OR TWO MORE CHAPTERS LEFT. I REPEAT THIS BOOK HAS ONE OR TWO MORE CHAPTERS LEFT.

(get ready for an extreme rant that doesn't matter anymore because you people are beautiful and have chilled me the fuck out)

Oh! I also have to share how fucking scared I am right now because there's this more popular girl in my grade that said she's going to find my wattpad account so she can read my stories (yes I refused to tell her my username and no she has no idea that it's gay fanfiction. Also might I add that there's one girl in my grade who found out my username through a friend and she has no filter.). Omfg if she found out then everyone would find out and it's not that I'm ashamed of my work. I mean, I write okay plot lines and smut but it's just that I live in Southern USA and the South is full of homophobes because everyone around here are old fashioned Christians (which isn't a bad thing but it isn't necessarily a good thing either). So if she found out then everyone else would find out and I'd probably be spit on and bullied and my friends parents would forbid them to converse with me (don't fight me on this about a year ago an old friend of mine was reading a zarry fanfiction and her mom took away her kindle right at a smutty part and my friend got in trouble but I WAS BLAMED because I supposedly 'recommended these books to her'. Bullshit, I know. Because if I do recall I didn't hold a knife to her throat and tell her to read them. Sorry, I just had to get that out.) So I try and keep my internet life on the internet.

Now that I've got that out of my system I'm just going to say thank you to everyone who has stuck around and read this story so far even though I'm shit at updating!

All the love!

Tori xx

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