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        "I really need to pee!" Harry yelled. He had been sitting here for God knows how long with a full bladder. "HELLO?!" He screamed. "Full bladder here! Hello!"

        The door opened, "Damn, will ya' shut the fuck up." The man from earlier walked in.

        "I need a loo," Harry said mildly bouncing on his heals.

        "In here," Zayn said unhooking Harry's chain, but leaving the handcuffs and collar on. Harry restrained himself from trying to run when Zayn was roughly jerking on his collar. Zayn led (pulled) him to another door in the room and Zayn unlocked it. Harry's jaw about hit the floor. The bathroom was huge, with a ginormous tube, marble counters, snow white floor. It was nothing like he'd ever scene.

       Zayn stood there and Harry gave him a look of disbelief. "Mind unlocking these," Harry hissed. "I need my hands for this."

        "Hm," Zayn hummed grabbing the belt loops of Harry's jeans so that Harry's bum was against Zayn's crotch, "Maybe I could help you with that, babe." Zayn lifted up the bottom of Harry's dirty t-shirt and teased the top of Harry's skin right above his jeans with his index finger. Harry struggled out of his hold causing Zayn to chuckle. He unlocked the cuffs and left Harry to it.

        Harry frantically looked around for an escape (after doing his business), but there wasn't anything! Not even a window! He sighed frustrated and knocked on the door signalling that he wanted out. When Zayn opened to the door he tried to run. But, by the time he got to the bedroom door he was tackled and put back how he was before Zayn had came in.

        "Let me out!" Harry cried. "I want to go home!! Let me fucking go!"

        Zayn never told him to be quiet just winced every time Harry would wail. He'll get used to it soon, Zayn thought, and he'll be fine.


        Harry was curled up into a ball fast asleep. He had tear tracks down his cheeks and a little bit of dry snot right above his upper lip. He was gently shaken awake, "Harry."

        For a minute when Harry woke up he actually thought that he was back home, but then reality sunk in.

        "Doll, I brought food," Zayn continued setting a plate on the nightstand.

        Harry hid his face in his pillow, "I want to go home."

        Zayn gritted his teeth in anger and stormed out of the room. Harry sighed in relief when he was gone. He looked over at the food and licked his lips; it was a grilled cheese with a small bowl of tomato soup. No, he thought, I won't anything that bastard gives me. But, maybe...

        He argued with himself for a few minutes before feeding his hungry stomach. Not a minute after finishing the food he started to get extremely drowsy. Asshole drugged my fo-

        Then he fell asleep.


        Harry woke up again. He figured that it was about time for school. He opened his eyes and he remembered he wasn't home. He had been kidnapped.

        But, really, was he kidnapped? What if his father just gave him to this "Zayn"?

        No, no matter how fucked up my dad is he wouldn't do that, Harry thought.

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