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I'm really sorry about how I ended it guys. I am. And I understand that I could've done a better ending or stretched the story a bit further. But, when I had first come up with this idea I didn't want it to be a happy ending. I couldn't really see a realistic way to make it a happy ending for Zayn in the beginning. So I came up with a few choices of endings. 1: Zayn ends up in prison or 2: Zayn ends up dead. So back last year when I was writing out the basics of this story I decided to go with option two. I felt like it would make an impact on readers (as evil as that sounds). I'll probably go back and edit that last chapter and stretch it out or something of that sort, but I'm going to keep the basic ending it how it is because that was my original idea. Now, I understand that I made you sad and angry but I felt like that would be the reality of it. Not everyone gets a happy ending.  {edit: kanye all read this last sentence one more time regardless of if it could have ended okay it DIDN'T}

Anyway, I hope you know that I thoroughly enjoyed writing this and I thank you so much for reading it. So, please don't be angry with me! 

Here's the last of it. 

Tori xx


When they took Harry in for questioning they couldn't get much out of him. He mainly sat their with a blank expression. He felt numb and almost.....odd? He couldn't completely process the events that had just occurred. Honestly, he just wanted to go back to the flat and spend the rest of his days there with Zayn....


Was he really gone?

The reality of it all seemed to bizarre. He couldn't have died. He could've have just left Harry.

The investigator on the other side of the table sighed, "Aren't you grateful that Ms. Violet called us-.."

Harry snapped his head up, "What?"

"That woman, Ms. Violet, made the call and...."

Harry blocked out the rest of it.

How could she? There's no possible way that Ms. Violet did it. This is the woman who told Harry to be grateful for Zayn. This is the woman who said Harry brought out the best in Zayn. How could she just turn on him?

Harry clenched his fists under the table angrily, but there was nothing more be could do.


After he was let go by the police he was put into the hands of an orphanage (seeing that he didn't have any family left). He'd say he didn't like the place he was put in, but he wasn't close enough to reality to be able to process anything that was going on around him. His thoughts were absorbed in the memory of his Zayn.

Then one day, he got called to the head's office where he saw a familiar face. His eyes widened and the familiar man sent him a small smile and a wink. 

"Hello, Harry, it seems here that Mr. Payne would like to take you home with him."

Next thing Harry knew (after some serious paperwork, of course) he was out of that place and in a car with Liam. That's when Harry asked him why and all Liam said was:

"You meant a great deal to Zayn, Harry. In his last days you were the one thing that made him the happiest. I wouldn't ever let anything happened to the one person who made my best mate content with life."

Harry got caught up with school (even decided that he wanted to be a psychiatrist) and ended up enjoying staying with Liam. Liam was like a brotherly figure almost. Harry felt like he was happy again. 

That doesn't mean he forgot about Zayn, though.

Harry never forgot about his eyes, or the way he smiled, his laugh, his moans, his voice or his love.

He never forgot about the man that made him feel something he has never felt before.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Liam asked walking over to Harry's desk sitting a cup of tea beside his text book. "Are you having trouble with your studies?"

"No," the now eighteen year old answered, "it's not that."

"Then what?"

"I think I had a 'disorder'," Harry almost laughed.

Liam quirked an eyebrow, "What disorder?" Harry motioned to his textbook and Liam looked down curiously before he cracked a smile, "You certainly did, Harry. You certainly did."

Harry look at the book and read over the two words along with the definition one more time.

Stockholm Syndrome;

feelings of trust or affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor.

Liam then shook his head still smiling, "Get back to work, you have that test on Friday."

"Yes, Mum," Harry laughed as Liam exited the room. 

Harry leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes taking in a deep breath. Then he picked up his pencil and got back to work.

The End.

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