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This is for everyone who takes the time to read my stories and support my writing! You guys are amazayn!


        "Dad," Harry Styles hissed in anger at his red eyed father, "you were suppose to pick me up."

        Harry's father, Des Styles, looked around obliviously, "I was?"

        "Yes," Harry placed his hand on his forehead, "those shit drugs are messing up your head."

        "No they're not!" Des protested still dazed.

        "Dad, look around you! The house is a mess and smells like a bag of weed, you never do anything, you waste all of my money on drugs, we're living off living off fucking Cambell's because we can barely afford a frozen pizza!" Harry's face was burning hot, red anger, "dammit," he finished stomped off to his supply closet of a room and punched the wall angrily. He was sixteen, he shouldn't be worry about house bills and his high as hell father. Hell, he should be getting grounded, thinking about his future, going to party's, complaining about shit teachers. But, that was never going to happen.

        When Harry's mother died Des couldn't handle it, so he resorted to alcohol, cocaine, weed, and random pills to help him cope. Harry didn't think there was ever a good enough excuse to ruin your life with drugs and alcohol. When Anne died Harry just shut out the world for a few months, but he was the one who had to snap out of it so he could keep his father from dying, too.

        Harry was sick of it all. He just wanted to slip off into darkness and not wake up again.

        He laid on his small bed and closed his eyes. Sleep, he thought.


        Harry was awoken by a loud crash. He jolted up and called, "Dad?"

        There was no answer.

        He stood up and tiptoed out of his room. There another loud crash. He peaked around the corner and saw his father on the ground with a bloody nose. No one else was in sight. "Dad," he gasped running to him. He dropped to his knees and Des looked at him weakly. Harry assumed Des did something stupid like he fell or had too much cocaine. "What the heck did you do?!"

        "Harry," Des said in a completely tripped tone, "you need to go."

        "What?" Harry asked, but before Des could answer two arms were wrapped around Harry's middle where he couldn't move his top half.He was yanked up and a cold, wicked voice whispered in his ear.

        "You're coming with me, darlin'."


Wow, that was something. Really short, but hey whatever. Prologues aren't mean't to be a thousand and two pages long.

So what do you think about this so far? I haven't got a lot planned but this idea intrigued me so I wanted to write about it.

Tori xx

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