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"no shawn mendes is hotter than justin bieber- why was that even a question?" ian yelled

we were in the livingroom somehow, it was a small room. ian and dom sat on the floor, matt, merlyn and i were on one sofa and joba and romil were on the other.

"shawn mendes, isnt he dating someone?" merlyn questioned

"yeah me" ian answered back without a second thought. "ok now evanie who's hotter, matt or shawn mendes?"

"oh matt for sure. shawn's all yours"

"ok then, what about matt or leonardo dicaprio"

"LEO, sorry matt"

"i see how it is" matt sighed playfully

the guys all talked as i sat and played with matts hair

"im gonna go to bed, its getting late" i whispered and gave him a kiss on the cheek

"ok ill be in soon"

i walked out and tried to remember where matts room was, then i saw ciaran again. he was sitting on the floor in robs room, i think, playing a guitar and humming along. i watched in awe.

"damn, you're good y'know" i said, he turned to look at me and gave no reply "i mean it."

"thanks i guess" wow he speaks

"sorry for kicking you out of your room by the way, i feel kinda bad. you know, you didn't have to leave cos im probably gonna sleep in matts bed so-"

"its cool" he interrupted, still focusing on the guitar. for a moment i stood in silence. it felt pretty awkward

"well, goodnight then"


grumpy man.

i finally found matts room again and i looked around in my bag for a shirt to wear to bed. i finally found one and got changed before getting into bed and falling asleep.

matt and i laid in bed together, he finally woke up at 11am, ive been up since 9, it was now almost 12. we just talked and spent time together for once. we talked about random shit, from dog names to films.


"yeah" he faced me

"why does ciaran hate me?"

"that was random ev, he probably doesnt he's just a bit of a bitch to everyone"

"oh. because i was talking to him yesterday and he was just so blunt, like he wanted me to shut up"

"dont take it personal ev, he does that to everyone" matt chuckled, "come on we need to get up."

i followed matt to the kitchen, i haven't gotten dressed yet so i was still in my oversized tshirt and shorts i slept in.

"oh shiit" dom laughed "ciaran look!" he pointed at me then i noticed it.

we both had the same tshirt on, he must like prince too. i felt slightly embarrassed but i brushed it off anyway as matt made me a coffee. i needed to get changed.


sorry this was short lmao

evanie ~ ciarán mcdonaldWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu