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dom knew about us?

"wait ev? no i meant claire, silly me!" he said, slightly panicky. phew

"yeahh probably. he mentioned how she got pissed at him for not meeting her the other night, i dont see why he didnt.." as merlyn carried on talking i whispered to matt that i was going to go and find ciaran, he nodded and let go of my waist.

"what's your problem? you're on stage in ten minutes you cant just leave" i could hear romil's voice from the other side of the door

"i dont give a fuck, romil let me out"

"no i cant do that, what are we gonna tell everyone? people are gonna be hella pissed if your not on stage tonight" ciaran sighed

"fine. whatever."

suddenly the door i was leaning against opened and i was met with ciaran

"ev, w-what are you doing here?"

"you stormed off i went to see if you were ok, not that i care or anything-"

"listen im sorry, ok? we should've talked about it first. i just... it's for the best right?" he gave a sympathetic smile, his mood completely changed from just a moment ago

"i know... we're still friends though aren't we?"

"as long as you're staying with us i guess i can tolerate it" he joked.

"my bitch is so prettypretty
i get cash like reallyreally
tell the dj man he aint slick 'cos he aint playing hits he sillysilly
boy bye"

they sounded amazing tonight. i watched in awe with zuri from the side as they performed to the crowd. we both had a few drinks, not enough to join the boys on stage, but enough to not know when you've said too much.

i watched ciaran, knowing that most of the people in the audience were doing the same right now.

he did the right thing.

"are you okay ev?" zuri asks, and that was all i needed to hear for the tears to start.

i was with matt when i got the text so i didn't have time to process my emotions, or what happened. i felt like everything was a mess and there was no way out.

and it was all my fault.

i love zuri so much <3

evanie ~ ciarán mcdonaldWhere stories live. Discover now