|×I hate you. [OS]×|

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|•Basically a u h - Pico x reader, Pico is a little brat towards you, you end up getting in an argument, and he accidentally confesses to you, and uh ye-•|

|•Requested by: n o o n e-•|

|•Warning(s): Fluff, mild angst, vague language


"Pico! Give it back!" A voice growled from the empty alleyway. A few chuckles could be heard from the same alleyway.

"Or what, shorty? Ya gonna call the cops on me?" Pico grunted out, shoving someone to the ground. Ah, yes. The person, who was now laying on the ground, was our dear protagonist.


[Y/n] whimpered, laying on the ground as they struggled to get up. Nene, one of Pico's gang friends, pressed her foot against you're head. "Don't try to get up, squirt! Stay on the damn ground, like the little bitch you are!" She growled out.

Darnell glanced from Pico, and back to [Y/n], humming in thought. "We should get goin. It's getting late, Pico." He says, turning on his heel.

Pico looked over at Darnell, scoffing. "C'mon Nene." He said, making a motion for Nene to follow him as he walked out of the alley way. Nene spat on [Y/n] before rushing after Pico and Darnell.

[Ok, so- i don't know much about Pico's school.. Or Nene and Darnell- so please forgive me if they're abit ooc-]

You wince slightly as you try to stand. "Are you alright?" A voice asked. You glanced over you're shoulder to see a tall figure.

They're voice was weird. Almost like a quiet echo. "W-who are.." "Don't worry about that." The voice cut you off. "You're obviously injured. Come here." The figure said, walking closer.

Ah, so it was a female. She had some fluffy purple like hair, and a mask on. 

[It's my oc Eskel, if you don't mind me putting her in, she isn't being shipped with anyone, don't worry.]

You shuffled back slightly, frowning. "How do i know you're not with him?" You ask quietly. The female scoffed. "Who? That rat? Nah." She says, knealing down.

She was about 5'9 almost. She slid her mask off, revealing her navy blue eye. Her other eye had a patch of some sorts on it.

"So, you know him, i'm guessing, yeah?" The female says, pulling out an aid kit from her pocket. You nodded,sitting up more.

She gestured for your're arm, and began patching you up.


"There. Better?" The female asks, her tail swaying behind her. You nod, smiling abit, "uh.. Thank you.." "It's Eskel." The female says, smiling.

[It's- pronounced 'Esgel' btw-]

"How about you come back to my home? It's late, and i don't want you walking back to you're house alone. Plus, i'm sure you live.. Pretty far from the city area," Eskel hummed, helping you up.

"Yeah.. Uhm.. Sure." You say, looking up at Eskel. She smiled, grabbing her mask before walking out of the alleyway, you by her side.


"Here we are." Eskel says, opening the door to her house. It was a loft apparently. You nervously looked around, seeing the large glass windows. "Ah- so- since you.. Live at the middle floor of the building.. And have.. Walls as windows.." You started.

"You aren't going to fall, and the windoes aren't going to break." Eskel reassures, slipping her boots off by the door. "Now, you can stay in the guest room for the night." She states. 

You nod, and go upstairs to take a quick shower, and head to bed.


You were currently in the mall, at the food court. Ever since you and Eskel met, you both became quick friends. When you left, you both exchanged numbers.

You were waiting for her to arrive at the food court since you had both went you're seperate ways to go shop. You hum, looking down at you're phone. 


You froze. That voice. Oh great. You turned to look over you're shoulder, only to see Pico, Nene, and Darnell. "The hell do you want?" You grumble, scowling.

Nene huffed. "Don't talk to us that way. Pico wanted to tell you something." She growls, shoving Pico forward. The ginger stumbled slightly, a bright red blush on his face.

"[Y/n].. Err.. I uhm.. HateYOU-" Pico exclaimed quickly, before shaking his head. 'Wait no- that's not how- uhm-" He sputtered out many words.

This just angered you further. "Pico. I fucking get it. You don't like me. Now get away from me before i call the cops." You respond quietly, squinting you're eyes.

"W-wait no no! I don't- i didn't mean too-" "Pico i said leave me ALONE!" "GO ON A DATE WITH ME!"

Silence. Nene and Darnell looked at eachother before laughing. "It took you long enough!" Darnell exclaimed. You were shocked. The fuck? He likes you?

"What kind of sick ass joke is this?" You ask bluntly. "I-it's not a joke, i s-swear! I really.. Want to d-date you, and i know i'm a shitty person, but please.. Those things i've done to you weren't right, and i know i'm wrong for that but.. I don't know, you were always so nice.. And kind.. And i just.. I messed up." He explained, staring at the ground.

You stared Pico up and down. "..So you aren't joking? Not trying to play me? Not trying to prank me?" You ask. Pico nodded, rubbing his neck.

You sigh, biting you're lip. "... Sure, Pico. I'll go out with you." You finally say, making Pico light up. "BUT. I swear to god, if you even think about fucking me over, i'm finding you." You growl lowly.

Pico nodded his head nervously, a crooked smile on his face. "Now, heres my number. Text me later, i'm shopping with a friend." You say, writing on a piece of paper before handing it to Pico.

The male shakily grasped the paper, gulping as he nodded and walked away with Nene and Darnell. "Wow. That was interesting to watch." Eskel said from behind, adjusting her sweater.

You roll you're eyes, looking at the russian female. "Shut up and come sit with me, i'm fucking starving." You huff, making Eskel laugh aloud.


|•hope you guys enjoyed, this kinda sucks lmao- heyyy you got to meet my sad excuse of an oc- i'll draw her and post her eventually so.. 1015 Words!•|

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