|×Oh.. Ok-[OS]×|

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|•Welp. Yandere Ruv- ahaha- won't go into context with the plot, u just gotta find out ;) buckle up, this'll be long-•|

|•Requested by: a fr i end- fucking thirsty ass simp- [i'm a hypocrite-]•|

|•Warning(s): Smut, gore, violence, vague words,•|


"Thanks alot [Y/n]! You were a huge help today!" Sarvente exclaimed, giggling as she placed a broom down, leaning it against the wall.

"Of course, Sarv, anytime." You say, flashing her a small smile. "And you too, Ashton!" Sarvente added, looking at the male besides you. They were a new person here at the church.

[If you're name is Ashton, i apologize- change it if need be.]

Ashton smiled, nodding his heaf as he placed a hand on you're shoulder. "Ya welcome Sarvente!" He says, looking down at you.

You hum, turning away from the two. "Hey, [Y/n]. Quick question." Ashton says quietly when Sarvente walks away. "Hm?" You hum, now listening to Ashton.

"If.. You're alright with it, would you maybe wannaaa.. Go out with me sometime?" He asks, dragging out the 'wanna'.

You stare up at him, surprised. "Err- Ashton, don't.. Get mad or anything.. B-but-" You sputtered out. Ashton frowned deeply. "You are going to decline, aren't you?" He asks suddenly.

"I.. Yeah.. I'm sorry.." You say, rubbing you're arm. Ashton scoffed, yanking his hand off of you're shoulder. "Sorry my fucking ass. All i've done was be nice to you, friendly, and help you out, and this is the bull i get!?" He shouts, scowling.

"Ashton, you can't just.. Make someone like you.. Or force them on a date.." You say, trying to calm the male down. "No! Shut up, you ungrateful bitch!" He spat, shoving you back.

You were caught by someone. "Care to repeat that?" A voice resonated behind you. It was very intimidating, from how it sounded. Ashton craned his neck, looking up. His scowling face soon turned into a more frightful expression.

"R-ruv-" "Shut up, you filthy piece of garbage. If i ever fucking hear you call them that again, i won't hesitate to find you, and plant a fucking bullet in you're head, understand?" Ruv growled, holding you securley against him.

Ashton visibly shook in place as Ruv threatened him with death. He vigorously shook his head before scurrying off.

"..thanks Ruv.." You mumble quietly, looking up at the tall male towering over you. "Whatever." He says quietly, letting you go.

You smile, shaking you're head. "Anyways.." He muttered, grasping you're hand roughly, pulling you towards the back of the church, into some sort of secret room.

"Woah, Ruv- hey chill out-! What are y-" you were suddenly hoisted into the room. You landed on the soft carpet with an 'oompf!'. You heard the door close, along with the sound of a soft click.

"Ruv, what the hell!?" You huff, sitting up as you brush yourself off. Ruv knealed down behind you, pushing you down. The position you were in was rather.. Exciting, so say, for Ruv.

You're face pressed against the carpet, and you're bottom half in the air, pressed against Ruv's crotch. "O-oi! What are you doing!?" You shout, you're face now red.

"Claiming what's mine." Ruv said stoicly, as always. He then began removing you're articles of clothing, throwing them to a random spot of the room.

You're face darkened as you felt you're clothing slide off of you're body with ease. You were now left in you're undergarments.

Ruv grabbed you, and turned you over. Now you were straddling his hips with you're legs. He placed his hands on either side of you're head, peering down at you with his blank stare.

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