Night at the Bank

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Barry's POV

I ran straight to the bank after the dinner with Joe and Iris. I know this is terrible but thank god I got called away, I couldn't take anymore of the teasing or complications they're thinking is a joke, but it's my life currently. I ran into the bank and found the guy whose trying to rob them. He's got a gun and three hostages, all bank tellers. They were all lined up against the desk, sitting on the floor, so all I had to do was get them out as fast as I can without anyone getting hurt. I ran as fast as I could and got the hostages out safely then ran back in, to stop the robber from doing anything and drop him off at the police station.

Something unexpected happened when I ran back in the bank. He had shot his gun at my direction. I thought I was fast enough to run out of the way, but it wasn't a usual bullet gun. It shot fast cold blast at my chest, knocking me down and I can't breathe. Then it all went black.

Caitlin's POV

I was sitting in Star Labs with the kids, watching Barry's stats and coms. Everything was fine, until all of a sudden, alarms started blaring and Barry's stats were off the chart saying his heart was racing to the point that it could stop. 


Cisco left to go jump in the van to go save Barry and I called Joe.

On the phone


"Hey Joe. You need to get to Star Labs. NOW."

"What happened??"

"I don't know. Barry's stats are going off the charts. Cisco's going to get him and bring him back here."

"Ok. I'm on my way."

End of phone call

After I hung up the phone I couldn't help but be worried and concerned about what's wrong with Barry. All I could do now was wait until they arrived back with Barry and in that time I had to get the kids to sit elsewhere before they get here. 

"Josh. I need you to take your sister and go stay in the living room until one of us comes to get you." Josh nodded and left.

Now that I didn't need to worry about the kids, it was left to worry about Barry. A couple minutes went by and Cisco and Joe ran in with Barry on a stretcher. He was frozen, blue and not moving.


I was sitting at my desk working on some paper work, when I got a worry some phone call from Caitlin about Barry. I couldn't believe what she told me. I couldn't believe something was wrong with Barry. 

'That kid really can't seem to catch a break. ' I thought leaving the station driving to save Barry.

Cisco POV

Why does this keep happening? Why can't we all just have good things happen? But now I have to rush to the bank to save Barry to make sure he doesn't die. I won't let that happen. I won't let my best friend die, nor my other best friends son's father. Like they just started to really get to know each other, nothing better happen to him. Getting lost in these thoughts I never realized that I finally arrived at the bank.

I ran into the bank, there was no one else there except... all I could see was a frozen station laying on the floor. It was Barry. Lying there, frozen and blue. I had to get him back to Star Labs now or else there was probably no coming back. I got him into the back of the van and sped back to Star Labs to get him to Caitlin, so she can save him.

Ran into Joe on the way into the building, he helped me rush Barry in and up to Caitlin. Caitlin looked like she seen a ghost when she seen Barry. I felt bad, but all we could do now was assist and wait.

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