The Visits

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Barry's POV

Caitlin had just finished checking to see if anything was wrong with I was unsure of how I felt with this whole thing now because I was still trying to get over her and I didn't want her to know that I still had feelings for her after all these years, so I decided to act as if I was actually in love with my best friend, Iris. Once I thought of her though, I jumped out the bed trying to rush for all my stuff.

"Barry what are you doing? You just woke up, you shouldn't be moving around like this just yet."

"I've been in a coma for nine months. I've only seen one familiar face. I need to see Joe and Iris." Once I mentioned her name Caitlin's face softened not believing I wasn't already with her from the way I said her name. I hated acting this way but she moved on right after she moved away from me so I think she can't say anything.

"Fine go see them. But come straight back here right afterwards. I mean it." She stated with that look I knew all too well from high school.

"I will. I promise."

After I told her I'd promise to come back after, I ran out the door thanking them keeping the shirt they gave me, rushing out the door headed to Jitters.

I was just outside Jitters and that's when I saw Iris just waiting tables just like she'd been doing before my coma. I walked towards the door, taking a breath, then walking in. Once I walked in, the door just closing behind me and that's when she noticed me. She set down the coffee pot running out to me with tears of joy in her eyes. She ran over to me jumping into my arms as I hugged her back.

"Oh my god. You're okay. Why didn't STAR Labs or Caitlin call us?"

"I just woke up. And you remembered Caitlin?"

"Barry you were in love with her. You still are, of course I would remember her. How could I forget she's all you think about." She teases me.

"She's not all I think about." I tried to fight against the truth. After I said this she gave me the look of 'really? You think anybodies gonna believe that?' "Okay. Fine, she pretty much is, but it's been eight years since we last saw each other, since we broke up. I don't want to seem like that petty, pining guy over someone."

"Bar? Maybe take this as a sign. That maybe you guys were just meant to be. You're destined to be together."

"Do you really believe in all that? All that destiny stuff?"

"I believe that what happens is supposed to be what happens. So maybe you guys being together as teenagers, then apart, then meeting again as adults. Maybe it's to show you guys that you can't live without each other. I mean for the past eight years you've been pining over her, and the way I saw how she looked at you while you were in the coma, I don't believe that her feelings went away either."

"You seriously believe that? That she might still have feelings for me?"

"Maybe. You guys just have to figure it out for yourselves though. Now as much as I'm glad to see that you're awake and came to visit, I have to get back to work and you have other people to visit, so I'll see you after my shift is over."

And with that we bid each other goodbye with a hug, as she went back to work and I left.

After I left Jitter's I went to CCPD precinct to visit Joe. Once I got off the elevator and officers saw me, they all screamed my name and came over to hug or pat me on the back. And Joe was the last person to officially see me giving me a bear hug.

"Oh Bar, it's so good to see that you're up on your feet. I'm so glad that you're okay and awake."

"Yeah. Me too."

"Okay. So we are going to lunch, so I can catch you up to date, plus I wanna make sure that you're okay and I haven't taken my lunch yet anyways."

"Thanks and I appreciate that but I actually have to go back to STAR Labs."

"Still gonna pine away after her even though you just woke up?"

"No. She asked, more like told me that after I visited you guys to come back to make sure that everything is still okay."

"Oh. Okay, well if that's the only reason then I guess I'll say it's not a problem, just remember she's ... not in a stable place right now, so don't do anything to try and get involved with her."

"You mean with the fact that she's now a single mother of two kids? Or that she was in a relationship and they died the same time I ended up in a coma?" Joe's face softened in shock about how he actually knew.

"She told you?"

"Sort of. She told me about him dying, but I don't think she was planning on talking about her having kids, I only found out because they came running in the room screaming mommy." His face paled when he heard that.

"Did she tell you anything else?"

"No that was it. Why is there anything else?"

"Not that I know of. Just curious if there may have been anything else."

I shook my head in response.

"Okay. Well you better get to STAR Labs then."

"Okay. I'll see you later."

And with that we hugged as our goodbye then I left heading back to STAR Labs.

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